Chapter 8: I Never Imagined My First Love Confession Would Go Down This Way

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open and a blinding white light consumed her senses. The sterile smell of hospital was all around her and she knew exactly how she got there.

As her eyes finally focused, she was very aware of the person seemingly sleeping at her side. Short black hair looked a mess and a pale hand was clutching her bed sheets desperately. Without thinking the girl put all her effort into lifting her arm to place it gently atop the tired person's head.

Immediately the person shot up to reveal Ms. Hanamiya's tired and now relieved face. The tears came to the older woman's eyes and down her cheeks instantly. Within seconds her captain's mom was running her fingers through the girl's hair and fussing over her the way a mother would.

"What's hurting you dear? Do you need anything? Can I get you something?"

" head hurts but I'm fine." (Y/N) said trying to sit up only to sway back down.

"No no no, don't do that. You've had a concussion; you shouldn't be exerting any energy."

"A concussion? Did I hit myself on the steps that badly?" (Y/N) mused more to herself than to her. Finally adjusted, there really was pain all over her body and looking down she noticed a thin cast on her arm.

Reaching up she could feel a small bald patch on the left side of her head along with a tender row of stitches. Touching around her face she thankfully didn't feel any lacerations there, but the sore areas made her wonder if she was bruised.

"It's not true is it?"

(Y/N) turned to the desperate woman's voice and tried to make sense of her words.


"I know it's what everyone is saying and thinking. The police talked to the neighbors in our apartment complex and they said they heard him screaming at you and threatening you. I know he was mad but I didn't think...I don't think. Makoto didn't push you down those stairs."

What had started as a question very clearly turned into a statement. Mrs. Hanamiya knew deep down what had happened. And with no hesitation (Y/N) shook her head, causing her mind to spin at the movement.

"No, he didn't. It was an accident...he wanted to go and get you, but I held onto him. I wouldn't let go even though he was telling me over and over again. He never pushed me, in fact he was pulling away from me and then I lost my balance. He never put a hand on me."

"I knew it. I knew my baby wouldn't do that to someone like you. Someone he actually gives a shit about. But I don't understand why..."

"Why what?"

"Why he's admitting to it."

"He's what? Where is he?"

"He's in the room next door, he sprained his ankle running to get me so we could call the ambulance. The police are asking more questions, trying to figure if it was a domestic spat and if you want to press charges."

"Well I don't! He didn't do anything wrong, I don't know why he's saying he did! I need to talk with the police."

"No dear, please you can't be out of bed right now. Let me tell them you're awake and that you wish to speak with them. I'll send the boys in to keep you company."

The short woman got up and opened the door revealing a row of worried KiriDai boys sitting out in the hall. They looked up instantly and their eyes went straight to their now upright manager. Without a word they rushed in and allowed the woman to close the door behind her.

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now