Chapter 6: Sorry For Your Tragic Backstory, But Don't be a Dick!

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"Son, are you up?"

Hara lifted his head up to glance at the large time on his phone. He was probably going to be late to school again, not that it really mattered.

"Yeah I'm up."

"I wanted to remind you that you'll need to skip practice today to make your doctor appointment."

The door swung open with Hara facing his father, a clearly unhappy look on his face.

"What appointment? I told you I didn't want to go to any other doctors." Hara whisper hissed at the older male.

"Your mother and I had you on a list for an experimental treatment, we think it may actually help to stop-"

"It won't stop!" Hara exclaimed before glancing back into his bedroom and lowering his voice again. "How many doctors have to tell you two that? I accepted it so why don't you!?"

"Maybe not stop but slow down the degeneration an-"

Hara stopped listening as he turned back into his bedroom and shook the girl in his bed quickly. His father watched on with pursed lips, clearly wanting to say something but biting his tongue instead.

"Hey, you need to get going." Hara nudged her out of the bed and ushered her to gather her stuff and take her leave.

"Kazuya, you know we don't mind you having...friends but we've asked you not to let so many people into the house."

"Then you shouldn't have agreed to give me the room with the door leading outside."

There was a brief stare off between the two before his father finally gave in and made no further effort to correct his son's behavior. Hara sighed heavily as he pulled on his school uniform.

Of course, neither of his parents had the actual backbone to upset him in any way. Anyone who didn't know their situation would call him a spoiled brat and he knew they were right.

"I gotta go." Hara said pushing his bangs firmly over his eyes and walking past his father. "I'm staying late for practice...I'll be home later."

"Please, Kazuya why won't you at least give it a try?"

The teen stopped walking but didn't turn back to the desperate sounding man.

"Because we've been doing this for more than a decade...I'm sick of getting my hopes up."

The older man flinched as the front door slammed harshly.


"Oh shit, what's with the face?" Yamazaki asked as Hara practically slammed his lunch tray down on the table beside him.

"He's just all up in his feelings because we had to give Mako back today." (Y/N) said with her own eyes looking red and glassy.

"I can't believe she said we did the best on the project." Hara commented cracking open a can.

Seto chuckled just a bit. "Probably because you two were the most realistic parents I'd ever seen with all that fighting. It's no wonder everyone kept thinking Mako was real. I don't know that the assignment had the desired effect, I thought you were a great mother."

"Oh..." (Y/N) didn't exactly know how to take her friends compliment. Her heart was suddenly beating faster and the room was a second from spinning.

Squinting her eyes shut tightly she focused on keeping her breathing leveled. She could NOT have a panic attack right now in front of her friends. Bringing herself back down she smiled at him.

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