Chapter 9: Seto's Getting His Alloted Chapter with the Protagonist!

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"Do you really think it's her?" Hara asked pushing the phone Furuhashi, who was scrutinizing it just as heavily.

"It looks like her but you know...really different." Seto said zooming in on his own phone.

"Do you think she's seen it? Is that why she's not at practice this morning?" Hara said before answering his own question. "I'm pretty sure this was sent to everyone at Kirisaki Daiichi and then some."

"Well that proves it then doesn't it?" Yamazaki sounding angry. "We spend all that fucking time defending her and for what if it was all true?"

"We don't know that it's all true." Seto urged halfheartedly.

"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one! Remember what that lady said about her not being a good girl and how she even agreed she wasn't always a good person? Then the fact that this mystery thing went down in middle school that she never tells us about. Or the mystery Touou thing that she also never told us about. Top it all off with this picture of her from her first year and its kinda obvious that Mei wasn't lying!"

Yamazaki had been stewing in these feelings ever since the day he walked her home. He found it hard to see her the way he once had. He'd thought maybe she was different but her confirmation and the new evidence blasted around the school proved she was the same as everyone else. The same as Mei, the same as all those other girls who threw themselves at Hara...maybe even worse.

The evidence in question was a picture of (Y/N) sitting on the train with one tan legged crossed over the other. Her skirt was too short to pass school uniform regulations and her sweater baggily hanging off her shoulder. Her hair was a golden honey colour accented by big glossy lips and way more cleavage than most people would find acceptable.

To top it off she was leaning her head against the shoulder of a much older man in a suit. Even with all assumptions aside it was pretty clear to all of them that this was a compensated date.

"Okay so what if she wasn't lying? I guess it all makes sense with what she said about (Y/N)'s 'hobby' but what does it matter?" Seto asked running his hand threw his hair. "She knew she was good looking so she spent some time with old perverts for money. I mean the only reason most girl here don't do it is because they already have money."

"And she does too, clearly! So, what reason would she have to be doing this kinda thing?"

"I don't know, I've seen the way salary men go all out for a young girl's attention. They devote a lot of time and effort to it. Can't say it wouldn't be nice for a milf to fawn over me like that." Hara gave a shrug and chewed his gum more intensely.

"You know most of those types of guys are married right?!"

"Yeah so what? It's a man's job to be faithful to his wife, not the other woman's." Furuhashi offered.

"Oh of course you would have that opinion."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying it's pretty convenient that the ENGAGED guy in the group is trying to justify cheating."

"Just the way it's convenient of you to suddenly side with your bitch of an ex after realizing your perfect little payback wasn't what you expected. I know Mei still has you licking her boots but don't take it out on our manager."

Yamazaki looked as if he would have something to say in return but he only grit his teeth and slumped into the bleachers.

"Besides a girl as cute as (Y/N), no way she would have to have done more than flirt for money. I mean not that I care what she did or didn't do. I'm just saying sometimes those paid dates are pretty vanilla. Men just want to be seen with cute girls on their arm."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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