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Marinette POV

I looked at Damian as everyone was in a frenzy. I shook my head as Damian chuckled."You've spent to much time with Plagg with the centeries past."He pouted at me but still couldn't hide the smile."I can't deny it because you'll see right through it. I see this time I won't be his wielder he's got someone with a destructive soul."he sounded a bit sad with it."Yeah I geuss so but Adrien's good for Plagg.

They both love each other even if they won't admit it.Adrien is the reincarnated black cat that came before we did.He is a true holder just like you."I kissed his cheek and he gave me a cheeky smile.He's planning something."Alright beloved as long as I can see Plagg I won't complain.That cheeshead of a kwami is the reason we met.If he hadn't wanted to see his 'sugercube' I wouldn't have met you outside of the mask.

I wouldn't have fallen for you and you wouldn't have fallen for me. I can't even imagine how it would have been if it wasn't for him."He was smilling while talking. I think he's remembering how we met and fell in love the first time.Everytime we get reincarnated we both fall for the civilian form but then remember our old memories together.

"Spots mom and dad said we have to get going.It's late and we're wrighting history tommorow.Just give him your number then you can continue talking or something but we have to get going."I rolled my eyes.I know it's partly true he just wants to get me away from Damian. I turned around gave Damian a hug and my business card. I kissed his cheek again and his smirk returned.

"Talk to you later habiti."I heard him say and smiled lovestruck at him.He's not changed but his facial features are different from our previous reincarnations.He sent me a kiss and I giggled as Nino glared at him.Pegasus opened the portal again and we went home.We all retuned in the base all going our separate ways.

We at least need some sleep for tommorows test.As we got home I could see my parents weren't impressed well mom was happy but dad wasn't he was pissed and Nino well he was grumpy. I rolled my eyes and headed to bed.Jyst as I was about to sleep I felt my phone vibrate.Looking at the message sending a whole new smile and blush.

Unknown number
Hope you sleep well my beautiful angel.I'll see you soon beloved and this time I'm not letting you go. I made that mistake with one of my previous lives never again.Sleep tight your Shaytan.

I saved his number and slept with the smile never leaving my face.

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