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🍃🍃🍃🍃 Timeskip 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 in batcave 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃still Mari POV 🍃🍃🍃

We made it to the batcave. I should say I thought it would be bigger."Alright we're here so who are you and what do you want!"Batman said. I nodded to everyone and we detransformed."We're the Miraculous team.I'm Marinette Rogers but in costume I'm Ladybug or as a few tourists say Lady luck.We're here to ask for help in figuring out who Hawkmoth is."

Before Batman or well Bruce can answer Alfred spoke."It'll be an honour to help you miss Marinette.As a previous Miraculous holder it's an honour to meet a true Ladybug."Now I remember reading about him.He's Alfred Pennyworth the person who ended the war.He's one of dusuus old birds.

"A Monsieur Alfred one of dusuus old birds thank you for the assistance.We also came here for help on another manner.I'm the fashion designer known as MR I am sponsoring my class to come to Gotham.Only reason for it is because a girl in our class we suspect is working with Hawkmoth."

"Alright it's settled but what did you mean when you said Damian's your soulmate?"Bruce questioned. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. I was staring him down as he kept eye contact with me. I could see his convidence was vanishing. I smirked and turned to my parents and brother glaring at Damian.

I glared at them and they stopped.Lets just say being the gardian and gaining cataclysm has it perks especially with overprotective parents. I sighed and walked towards Damian.A flash went through his eyes before he pulled me towards him.

"We meet again habiti.After 210 years we found each other once more."He said and I nuzzeld into his chest as he held my waist."What the fuck do you mean after 210 years!"The guy I identified as Jason yelled."Language/Language master Jason!"Both my mom and Alfred said.

"Let's just say it's a long story and that we're not excactly what we look like.Are we Shaytan ( I think I spelled that wrong!) What do you think?"I looked into his familiar green eyes that has memorised me from the day we met all those years ago.

Being a true holder of creation and having a true hearted hero as your soulmate has it's perks.Especially the reincarnated part."I wouldn't agree more habiti after all being some of the only reincarnated soulmates out there we should know."He smirked at the end and I know that he just did that to cause a rukis.

"What the fuck!"

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