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No one POV

"Mom please fight it! Don't let Hawkmoth win!"Marinette yelled at Natasha.Natasha started screaming holding her head from the pain.A butterfly simble showed infront of her eyes."Black widow they're trying to take you away from your family.I'll give you the power to stop them."A voice said in her head."Hawkmoth get the fuck out of my head I'm angry enough as it is I'm not in the mood to track you down and kick your mother fu..."a white butterfly flew out of her pendant.

Marinette POV

I saw dad chuckle and me and Nino let out a breath of relief."I knew he would run away with his tail between his legs when you're angry.Now it's for the best that you leave.Our children has to study and we have date night so get lost!"dad said.The Avengers saw mom and dad's glare and left.

"Alright you two go study and training start at 6pm.Tell the team it's at the new base.Plus tonight we'll be getting the help of Batman and his team to discover that ashole who turnes children into villians."We nodded and ran to our rooms. I transformed and called everyone informing them of our training session and the address of our new base.We switch regularly to through Hawkmoth of our tracks.

I already knew my work and I know Nino also does so I went to his room because 1 mom and dad left already 2 I'm bored 3 I need his help to spy on mom and dad and 4 if we get caught I'll just blame him easy.

I knocked on his door and heard a come in. I walked into his room and saw comic books neatly packed in his bookshelf.Posters of the Miraculous team aswell as of the Avengers when mom and dad was still in it and the Justice league. I look at his desk and saw posters of the teen titans and joung justice league.The bed I made wayzz is on his nightstand allong with his headphones.On the other one was his alarm clock and table lamp.He laid on his bed on his phone.

He looked at me and raised a brow."What are you up to this time?"he asked me. I smiled an innocent smile and he groaned."You want to spy on mom and dad on theyr date night."I nodded and started running.He groaned loudly then followed me.

We stopped at the Best restaurant in Paris and saw mom and dad sitting by the window all lovey dovey.It's so freaken adorable I wish me and my future husband are like that.That being said if Nino and dad even allow me to have a boyfriend.That's the tricky part.

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