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Marinette's POV

Miss Bustier made the announcement and now we can go pack and get everything we will need.Luckily everyone from my group knew beforehand and is all set."Let's go shopping my sister Zoe will be returning tomorrow and will join our trip and I want to give her a welcome gift."Chloe said.

Let me explain Chloe has a half sister that came here a few years ago but they didn't get calling so she left but now she's returning and Chloe wants to fix theyr relationship.

I know the feeling like when Nino and I fought so badly and I accidentally broke his arm.He recovered but now he knows to never steal my food again.It was pizza so do I really have to explain more."Sure Chloe let's get going."

🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃3hours later🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃

We went into basically every single store here.Chloe bought allot of things one being new sneakers and each of us wrote a sweet note on them.It was yellow Nike sneakers and with black messages on them.She always has to have her queen bee style.Now lets just hope everything turns out great.

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