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Damian POV

I woke up feeling quite happy.That's a first but who cares I found my angel.My imbeciles of brothers are not leaving me alone because of it.I took out my phone opening it on her contact.


Morning my love hope you had a good night sleep.Can't wait to see you again habiti.Love you and hope you have a pleasant day with the idiots in your class.

I smile and send it. I got dressed and went downstairs to enjoy my breakfast in peace. I was handed my breakfast which are pancakes. I thanked Alfred and started eating enjoying the silence.Talked to soon.

"Damian you've got to explain this whole soulmate and true holder reincarnated shit...Like ehat the hell does that mean your older than us or just explain it."Todd said as Drake and Grayson all sat around me. I sighed taking another bite of my breakfast before swallowing to start explaining.

"Alright so those jewels they have are called Miraculouses.In a previous life I was the black cat Miraculous holder. I worked with Ladybug.Then my kwami the black cat one flew of after a battle when I detransformed.

I followed him well chased him.As I caught up with him I saw her detransform.She was badley injured and her kwami was to weak to heal her fully. I ran to her and took her home to help her and to feed her kwami.

In that life my parents where both from the great gaurdian league. I was chosen as I was a true holder. I've had a destructive soul from the first live.She has a creative one.In that live my name was Chad and hers was Bridgette. I helped her and we fell inlove in civilian forms.

When we got married a light flashed between us and a black cat paw was on my right wrist and a Ladybug on her left.It representated us as soulmates.Then we died during a battle after our childs twentieth birthday.Her name was Lydia and she became a gaurdian and took our place.

For sacrificing ourselves we where reincarnated.Now everytime we meet in civilian form all our memories of our previous lives return to us."I smile as I remember it all.She's always been there and I've got her back.

"So your telling me you're basically made to hold one of the worlds most dangerous jewels and that it can destroy anything with one touch?"Drake asked."Yes but you have tp be transformed and have to say cataquism to activate it.It then destroys what ever I touch."He then walked out and came back with a coffee in his hand.

"What does the Miraculous that the vilian is using do?"I tried to remember."I can't remember at this moment but I'll tell you as soon as I remember. I just want to help my angel and stop this guy. I can't loose her not while we're both young."

I fekt my phone chime and saw my angel sent me a message


Morning shayatin thank you I slept well hope you enjoy your day.💋I can't wait to see you again I already miss you. I should get going before Nino flips out.

Love you❤️

I smile and put away my phone quickly finishing breakfast and asking Alfred to take me to school.Nothing can take this smile of my face today.

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