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Hello, welcome back! This is a bit of a longer chapter. Enjoy! (And please don't hate me)

-Spencer practically skipped home from your apartment, laying in bed with a giant smile on his face

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Spencer practically skipped home from your apartment, laying in bed with a giant smile on his face. He couldn't believe he has mustered up the courage to hug you. You fit perfectly in his arms and he couldn't wait to do it again. Just 160 hours until he could.

Spencer eventually fell asleep, the smile still present. When he woke up, he blinked the sleep away as he stared at his clock. Crap. He was late. He was never late.

He stood up and rushed into the bathroom, getting ready quickly and grabbing his keys. He would have to drive today. And he never liked to drive.

Spencer didn't believe that one bad moment could ruin an entire day. But a succession of them could definitely put a damper in his mood. He had to stop for gas, there was an accident that made him even later, and he hadn't had time to put in his contacts so he was wearing the glasses he hated.

He eventually pulled into the garage, sprinting up
the stairs and into the round table room. "Sorry I'm late," Spencer mustered, sitting down quickly as he caught his breath. Morgan looked up and grinned.

"Late night?"

"Uh yeah I guess you could say that," he mumbled, setting down his messenger bag. When he looked up, he saw Hotch wasn't in the room. "Where's Hotch?"

"Oh, he's showing the newbie around. You didn't meet her yet, did you?" Rossi asked, looking up from the file in his hands. Spencer shook his head in response.

"I think you two would get along really well. Plus, she's really pretty," Garcia chirped. Spencer shook his head, rolling his eyes at the second comment.

"I'm sure she's beautiful," Spencer muttered, seeing Morgan snicker, not realizing the person he was talking about had walked into the room.

"And this is Dr. Reid, the resident genius I was telling you about," Hotch announced, a small frown on his face, making Spencer turn in his chair and look up. He began to cough harshly, his face turning red as JJ smacked his back.

"Are you okay Spence?" She asked, handing him her water bottle. Spencer smiled at the gesture, shaking his hand to signify that he was fine.

Spencer's eyes locked with yours, a hint of surprise in them as he licked his lip**. "Nice to meet you Dr. Reid," you said, smirking at him, holding out your hand.

He bit his lip, shaking your hand lightly before dropping it. You had to hold back the happiness you felt as his skin made contact with yours, his eerily soft hands making every nerve ending in yours feel like they had just been struck by lightening.

As you recovered from the small gesture, you couldn't help but notice arched eyebrows and exchanged glances throughout the room. You frowned until it hit you, Spencer was a germaphobe. And he had just shaken your hand without even an ounce of hesitation.

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