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When he woke up the next morning, Spencer felt terrible

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When he woke up the next morning, Spencer felt terrible. He had been so mad last night and couldn't believe he had let his problems come between the two of you. He had decided that he would grovel until you forgave him. He would do anything to get you back, anything to have you wake up in the same bed as him.

When he arrived at work, he saw you sitting at your desk. Your hair was down, something you never did. You had lipstick on, the exact shade Spencer loved, the shade that was all over his white dress shirts. He smiled as you met his eyes.** However, you were still upset. So you looked away and messed with your hair, pulling it to one side of your head. You heard him take in a breath, seeing the hickey he had left yesterday.

You had to will yourself not to look at him. About thirty minutes later, you stood up and walked into the kitchenette area. Spencer watched you go, your short tight skirt leaving nothing up to the imagination.

You returned to see Spencer staring at you, his mouth slightly open. He looked like he was about to drool. You took a sip of your coffee and moaned, seeing Spencer squirm in his seat in response. Penelope entered the bullpen, holding her forehead. "We have a case, it's a doozy."

Hotch exited his office. "We'll debrief on the jet," he announced, walking towards the elevator. You followed, making sure to walk right in front of Spencer. You could tell he was becoming frustrated. But, he deserved it, after everything he did to you the night before. You had gone home and sobbed, crying yourself to sleep. But when you woke up, you decided to dress up and look hot. You wanted to mess with him, for him to see what he was missing, for him to realize this was all for him if he would ever get over his issues and communicate.

You didn't speak on the jet, much to everyone's surprise. Emily and JJ shared concerned glances and Morgan tried to tease Spencer, only to get shut down by him. "Y/N and Reid will come back to the station with me to start on the geographical profile. Morgan and JJ will head to the morgue and Emily and Rossi please go visit the most recent crime scene."

You secretly squealed at the idea of spending the day at the station with Spencer, making him uncomfortable and nervous. You, however, didn't know his gears were already spinning.

As you stepped into the humid Florida air, Spencer removed his tie and undid the top two buttons of his dress shirt. You groaned internally at his actions, trying your best not to show him how much it bothered you.

You didn't acknowledge his presence, only speaking to him when necessary. You made sure to only use "Dr. Reid," when addressing him, which bothered him greatly. He didn't like you calling him anything other than your nicknames for him, or Spencer in public.

The next day, you came to the station wearing his favorite top and perfume, doing your best to be close to him all day so he could smell it on you. He, in response, rolled up the sleeves of his top and left little touches against your skin as he moved around the station.

The third day, you wore another short skirt, making sure to bend in front of him and reach for random things, causing your top to ride up. Spencer had brought out his secret weapon in retaliation: glasses. And with the simple pair of frames on his face, he had you squirming.

"The unsub is at 7683 Smalltree road," Garcia said over the phone. You all geared up and headed out to the home. It was situated at the end of a cul-de-sac, a pretty house in a pretty neighborhood. You shivered at the thought of the gruesome occurrences inside and how well hidden they were.

You were in the first car, desperate to get away from the genius in glasses, and therefore entered the house first. Spencer rode in the second, internally screaming at the way you two were fighting rather than speaking. He promised he would apologize when this was over, he didn't like the thought of you going into a dangerous situation without knowing that he loved you and couldn't live without you.

When he arrived on the scene, there were ambulances milling around and sirens. "What happened?" Morgan asked, stepping out of the car.

"Shots were fired, we have no idea what's happening in there."

"Who's inside?"

"Hotch and Y/N," Emily explained. Spencer's heart dropped into a pit in his stomach. "I haven't been able to get a hold of either of them. I'm sure they're fine," she reassured but it didn't help. Spencer was panicked.

Hotch walked out of the house, throwing his comms at the ground. "Hotch! Where's Y/N?" Morgan shouted.

Hotch looked up and Spencer felt his knees give out, collapsing against the car. Behind him, Y/N was getting rushed out on a stretcher, straight into the ambulance. "Hotch, what happened?" Emily asked, approaching him.

"She was hit. Unsub was down but had a second gun and shot her in the chest. She's being taken for emergency surgery."

Spencer shook his head and got into the car, speeding after the ambulance. He rushed into the hospital, being yelled at by hospital staff for running.

He paced the waiting room, all the memories of you and him coming back to him. The day you met, the day you had hugged him, your first kiss, you telling him that you loved him, your first time together, every night you slept wrapped in each other's arms. He remembered it all, being brought out of his trance by the surgeon. "Update on Y/N Y/L/N," he announced, making Spencer approach the physician. "She's fine, it was touch and go for a bit there but she is resting. One person can visit tonight, everyone else can see her in the morning."

The team nodded, looking at Spencer. "Uh, can I, uh," Spencer began, his voice catching in his throat.

"Reid, go. Tell her we're all looking out for her," Morgan said, pushing Spencer slightly. Spencer nodded, following the doctor to your room, walking in and seeing you hooked up to tubes and machines. He sighed, tears leaking from his eyes as he sat next to your bed, holding your hand. He wouldn't let go, he would never let go again

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