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-He was evil

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He was evil. He was kidnapping innocent girls and keeping them for 27 hours before murdering them on a livestream and tossing them onto the side of a stream. He had multiple hostages and he was speeding up.

You sighed, sinking further into the chair in the conference room, raking through every page, praying for some kind of break in the case. You held your head in your hands, a migraine starting. 8 girls had died. And you couldn't see another one get hurt.

Spencer walked into the room and took the files out of your hands. "Y/N, you need to get some rest," he said, leaning against the table. You shook your head, reaching for the files. He shook his head, raising them above his head.

"Spence, I'm fine."

"You're the last one here. I know you want to solve this, we all do. But you need to take a break."

You frowned, moving your eyes away from his and looking up at the board. 22:43. That was the estimated time until the next murder. "Spence, I can't let another one die."

"Please, a few hours?" Spencer pleaded, setting the files down and reaching for your hand. You sighed and nodded, standing up.

"Thank you," you muttered as he draped his jacket over your shoulders. He smiled gently, wrapping his arm around your waist as he led you out of the station, turning off the lights as he went.

You slid into the car, Spencer driving because you couldn't keep your eyes open. You were woken up to Spencer tucking a comforter around you. "Thank you," you whispered again, curling into the bed.

"Good night," he replied, turning off your light and leaving the room.


You woke up the next morning to knocking on your door. You opened it to find Spencer smiling at you with two cups of coffee in hand. He laughed as he saw you, walking into the room and placing them down on the table. "By all means, come in," you joked, turning and seeing him still laughing. "What's so funny?"

He met your eyes and shook his head, handing you your cup before he sat down. "Your hair, it's a bit, well, everywhere." Your eyes widened as you moved to the mirror in the bathroom. He was right, your hair was quite literally going on seven different directions.

You muttered under your breath at your stupidity as you walked back into the room, having changed your clothes and done your hair. "Alright. I'm presentable," you said as you took the coffee, moaning lightly as you tasted the magic cup of liquid.

Spencer blushed, taking a gulp of his drink**. "Feel better having gotten some sleep?"

"Yeah, thanks S," you answered, standing up. "We should get going?"

Spencer nodded, following you out of the room. You ran into Morgan in the hallway who raised and eyebrow at you. "Something you two want to tell me?"

"Oh shut up," you retorted, your cheeks turning the lightest bit red. You drove to the station with Spencer and Derek, choosing to sit in the passenger seat so you could control the radio. You loved Spencer's literature picks but his music choices were subpar at best.

When you arrived at the station, you had another day of no progress. Spencer refined his geographic profile but it was still off. The livestreams were too short to be isolated, even with Garcia's genius. And this guy was good at evading cameras.

You were sitting at the table yet again as everyone left for the day. Just like yesterday, Spencer convinced you to finally leave. You frowned but listened because you knew he wouldn't give up.

"I promise I won't make you carry me again tonight," you teased. Spencer shook his head, his free hand squeezing yours.

"You looked peaceful. I didn't have it in me to wake you." You bit your lip, interlocking your fingers with his, not having words to tell him you felt in that moment.

When he pulled up to the motel, you got out of the car and walked with him until you reached your room. Spencer happened to be next door. "Good night, I suppose," Spencer said, turning towards his door.


"Y/N?" Spencer asked, making you stop halfway through your door. "Is there a reason you've been staying so late at the station? Why this case?"

"Um, it's nothing."

"Y/N," Spencer continued, his tone questioning.

"Reid, leave it alone," you snapped, immediately regretting it. He frowned and turned, entering his room. You sighed and pulled your door shut, walking inside and changing into shorts and a t-shirt before climbing into bed. You closed your eye and tried to sleep but you kept thinking about how you lashed out at Spencer and the look on his face.

You stood up, shaking your head as you made your way to his door. "I'm sorry," you said just after you knocked.

He opened it and pressed his lips together, looking you up and down as the corner of his mouth tuned upwards. "It's ok, I shouldn't have pushed."

"No. You're my best friend on the team. I'm sorry. It's just, the videos keep playing in my head. I can't sleep without them making an appearance. So I'd rather stay awake and try to help."

Spencer frowned, sitting down on the bed patting the spot next to him. You sat down, leaning against him ever so slightly. "You should've told me," he whispered.

"You don't need my baggage."

"I've helped you sleep before. I could do it again," he offered.

"Spencer no. I can't have you stay awake to keep my demons away," you said, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. Spencer sat quietly for a moment before standing up and getting into bed, lifting the covers next to him.

"Here, this way I keep your demons away and you fend off mine."

You bit your lip contemplating if this was a good idea. You one with wasn't but you needed sleep. You smiled at him, taking off your shoes and climbing into bed next to him. He wrapped his arm around your abdomen, pulling you against him slightly. "Good night," he whispered in your ear, closing his eyes. You followed suit, being able to sleep soundly for the first time since the case had begun.


In the morning you woke up to Spencer's soft breaths in your ear. You turned in his arms, playing with his tiny curls as you watched him sleep. He was beautiful. His features were so perfect, so chiseled.

Spencer opened his eyes to see you watching him carefully. He smiled, his cheeks heating up at the proximity between the two of you. "Morning."

"Morning Spen."

"Sleep well?"

"Perfectly," you replied, kissing his cheek softly. "Although you better be careful, keep doing this and I won't be able to sleep without you."

"Sounds like you're claiming I'm like a drug that helps you sleep."

"Hmm, my own personal form of melatonin," you joked, sitting up and pulling your hair into a ponytail. "I should go get changed."

"I'll get coffee," he said, standing up and throwing on a sweater. You waved at him as you left the room, smiling at the way you started off your morning.

"Alright, what is happening between you two," Morgan said, making your smile disappear.

"Nothing Morgan. Why would you think that?"

"2 mornings in a row you two are leaving each other's rooms. I'm not stupid," he added, crossing his arms.

"Derek, nothing is happening. I promise," you said again.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

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