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Two weeks later, after a long case, the team had decided to go out to a bar

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Two weeks later, after a long case, the team had decided to go out to a bar. "Spencer! You have to come," JJ explained, pulling on his arm. You laughed at the scene, Spencer not budging.

"Don't push him JJ, if he wants to be boring then he can," you teased, making everyone laugh. Spencer frowned and sent you a glaring look.

"Don't call me boring," he muttered, standing up.

"So you're coming?" Emily asked.

"I'm coming," he confirmed, putting on his crossbody. "I'm gonna head home first and get rid of my stuff."

"No need, leave it in my car, I'll drive you home," you said quickly. He nodded and leaned against your desk. "But, if we're going to a bar, you need to look less like a professor."

He shook his head at you as you reached up and undid his tie. "Let's get rid of this," you began, pulling at his tie. "And this too," you finished, unbuttoning his top two buttons and fluffing his hair.

"Alright lovebirds, if you're done," Morgan teased, making you blush and become slightly flustered.

"Shut up Morgan," Spencer said through his teeth, his eyes not leaving yours. You looked at him lovingly, standing up.

"Meet you guys there?" you asked, looking at Garcia.

"See you in a bit sweet cheeks. Make sure boy genius is with you," she said. You smiled and walked to the elevators, Spencer in tow. As soon as the doors closed, you laced your fingers with his. He grinned and pulled you into his chest, kissing you softly.

"I've been wanting to do that since you took off my tie," he whispered.

"I've been wanting to take that tie off since you put it on this morning," you countered.

"Why? You don't like it?"

"Spencer, you look hot with a tie on. But you look even hotter with these two buttons undone," you explained, making him blush. He grinned as the elevator doors opened, pulling you to the car and pressing a kiss to your lips. "Spence, no," you said, pushing him. "We're still at work."

"I'm sorry, I know, I just, I, uh, you make me lose all common sense," he said, eliciting a laugh from you.

"We can continue this later?" Spencer nodded, opening the car door for you.

Thirty minutes later, you arrived at the bar. You had taken off your blazer, revealing the lace camisole you wore underneath, and pulled your hair out of its bun, waves cascading down your back. Seeing as you were early, you decided to go to the bathroom to fix up your makeup. Spencer followed you in, locking the door and pushing you against it.

He pawed at your tank top as he kissed you, his lips leaving yours and taking up a spot on your neck. You gasped for air, his hands, now up your skirt, pulling you against him as your legs wrapped around his waist. He grabbed your ass, making you moan. "Spencer," you panted, him pulling away to meet your eyes. "Please,"

"Are you sure? This isn't the most sanitary place," he replied, causing you to laugh.

"That thought just crossed your mind?" You asked, playing with his hair. "You're the one that followed me in here."

"Y/N, you look unimaginably attractive. Besides, you said later. It's later."

You were about to respond when your phone vibrated, leading Spencer to groan. He placed you on your feet as you looked at the text from Garcia, asking where you were. "Rain check?" You asked, looking to see Spencer frowning.

You soon found the team, sliding into the booth, Spencer plopping down next to you.

"Did you fight with a lion on the way here?" Emily asked, looking you up and down. You shook your head, heat rising to your cheeks.

"No, I was just trying to fix my hair and it did not like being taken out of a bun," you lied, taking a sip of water.

"And Pretty Boy?"

"My contacts were bothering me," he stated, making you look at him quizzically. What a weird thing for him to say. The team eventually leaves you alone. You announce you're going to the bar to get a drink. Everyone tells their orders at you, Spencer following to help you carry back the drinks.

"You know, Spencer, I wish you wore your glasses more often. You look so good with them on," you said as you waited for the drinks.

"I look like a professor," he countered, shaking his head.

"A hot professor. A professor whose bones I would jump in a heartbeat," you replied.

"You've got a thing for a professor?" Emily asked from behind you. You spun around with a mortified look on your face while Spencer coughed.

"I, uh, I was just-" you began, your voice catching in your throat.

"She was telling me about the last guy she had a crush on," Spencer interrupted. "An interesting choice I would say."

"Y/N, you are a weird girl," Emily muttered, grabbing the drinks and returning to the table with Spencer. You were about to follow her when someone called your name, making you shake your head.

"Can't believe I'm seeing you again," Agent Reynolds exclaimed, making you sigh quietly. "What a coincidence!"

"Oh haha I wouldn't say that, this is a regularly frequented bar for government officials."

"Well, let me buy you a drink. I'd love to talk your ear off," he said, causing you to bite your lip.

"Uh, sure," you said uncertainly. "What's on your mind?"

You spent the next 20 minutes listening to this narcissist talk about himself and how he was a 'pro' at profiling. You nodded and sipped your drink, hoping and praying to find an out to this dreadful conversation. Eventually, Morgan came over and asked you to dance, garnering your first smile of the hour.

He whisked you away to the floor, laughing at you. "You looked like you needed to be saved."

"Oh I did, he sucked."

"Looked like it. Besides, Spencer looked like he would take his head off if he talked to you for another moment." You blinked at his words, turning to see Spencer sulking in the corner.** He looked miserable. "Go on, I know you want to check on him."

"Thanks Derek," you muttered, kissing his cheek. "Hey Spence, I'm thinking about heading home. Still want me to drive you?" You asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah," he grumbled, standing up and awkwardly pushing past you to the door. You exited the bar and felt rain against your bare skin. The drive home was even more awkward with him not saying a word. As the silence grew, you became more and more annoyed. You pulled up to his apartment and he got out of the car, slamming the door. You waited for him to come back, for him to say something. But he didn't, he walked into his building and left you in the car, crying as you held the steering wheel.


This story was not having enough angst so had to make it a little sad. I have a plan I promise.

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