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You woke up in Spencer's arms, something you were beginning to get used to

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You woke up in Spencer's arms, something you were beginning to get used to. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, standing up and heading into the bathroom to freshen up. When you returned to the room, Spencer was sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling at you. "Morning."

"Morning S. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, a really pretty girl kept me from using a nightlight," he joked, grabbing your hand. You grinned, leaning in to kiss Spencer. "Morning breath," he muttered.

You shook your head, pressing your lips against his. "I don't care," you whispered. You looked over and saw two coffees sitting on the table. "Did you order coffee?"

"No, I assumed you did. They were sitting there when I woke up."

You frowned, peeling away from Spencer's grasp and grabbing the coffees. You looked at the cup, seeing Morgan's name and taking a sip. A little sweet for your liking but coffee was coffee and you would never complain.

Twenty minutes later, you and Spencer walked into the station. "Oh look, the lovebirds are awake," Morgan said as you walked in. You glared at him, sitting down at the table.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I came to drop off coffees this morning, as a thank you. Little did I know you two would still be asleep. Together. In the same bed."

"Morgan, stop it," Spencer muttered, flipping through pages.

"Is that why you gave me the room? So you two could have a rendezvous on company time?"

"Derek, it's not like that. Spencer had taken the couch but it looked far too uncomfortable," you explained. "Besides, how did you get in the room?"

"I still had the key."

"Alright, alright, that's enough out of you two," Spencer said, standing up. "She was just being nice Morgan, stop trying to make it something it's not. Y/N would never go for a guy like me anyway," he finished, walking out of the room. You frowned, focusing on the folder in your hand.

Within minutes, the rest of the team filed into the room and Garcia called, having found the unsub's secondary location. After an hour of coming up with a plan, you had arrested the kidnapper and headed to the plane. Spencer was on edge after the fight this morning and Morgan didn't want to push him any further. But he did pull you aside as you returned to the bureau.

"Hey, I'm sorry for earlier."

"It's fine. I'm not that one you upset," you said, crossing your arms.

"I've never seen him like that."

"Me either. But seriously Morgan, it's fine. Reid will cool off soon enough. I'll talk to him."

"Oh I really like you," Morgan joked, putting his hands in his pocket. You smiled and turned, walking into the bullpen. You made a beeline for Spencer's desk, tapping his shoulder.

"We need to talk," you said, walking away. He frowned** and followed you into the hall closet, closing the door behind him.

"In a closet Y/N?" he asked, messing with the broom.

"Everyone here listens and profiles. I really, really didn't want to deal with that. Do you mind"

"No, it's fine. What's up?"

"Are you okay? Your outburst earlier worried me."

"I'm fine."


"Y/N," he began, stepping closer to you. "It's just Morgan and his teasing."

"Would it really be that embarrassing for people to know about us?" You asked, your eyes meeting his.

"No!" He said hurriedly, grabbing your waist. "No no it's not like that. I just didn't like what he was insinuating."

"Oh," you said softly, a blush creeping up on your cheeks.

"I love you. Okay?"

You nodded, pulling him in for a kiss. He smiled against your lips, holding you in his arms as you pressed yourself against him. "I love you," you affirmed, moving his hair out of his eyes. "We should get back, avoid suspicion."

Spencer agreed, releasing you. "You go first, I'll follow." You fixed your crooked blazer and stepped out of the closet, running into Garcia.

"Penelope!" You exclaimed, closing the door quickly. "Just the person I was looking for!"

She looked at you with a perplexed face. "In a supply closet? Why would I be in there?"

"Oh no, not in here. I went in there to find some, um, tissues. My, uh, allergies are flaring up. Runny nose and no tissues is a tragic event waiting to happen," you lied.

"I have some in my office. Come with me pumpkin," she said, linking arms and leading you to her den of computers. "What did you need to talk with me about?"

"I,uh, well, I wanted to ask why you brought up Spencer before I left for this case."

Garcia smiled at you, handing you a box of tissues and sitting down. "He looks at you like you're the only girl he's ever seen. Like you're some limited edition book he wants for his collection."

"Oh, I, uh, I don't know what to say."

"I know you didn't mean to make him fall for you. But he has. So just be gentle with him, please. He's fragile and I worry about him. We all do."

"I didn't even know he thought of me like that," you lied again. "But I will establish some boundaries."

"Good, good. Now, when is the wedding?" Garcia asked with a grin.

"Wedding?" A voice asked from the doorway. Your smile fell as you saw him leaning against the frame. "You're getting married?"

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