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"You're getting married?" Emily and JJ asked in unison as you approached the team, Spencer walking next to you with his hand pressed against your lower back

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"You're getting married?" Emily and JJ asked in unison as you approached the team, Spencer walking next to you with his hand pressed against your lower back.

You sighed and shook your head. "No, I'm not."

"But what did he mean by Garrett, your fiancé?" Rossi asked. You bit your lip and looked up at Spencer briefly. He was already looking at you, staring.

"I, it's a long story. I will fill you all in, well those of you that don't already know. Just know that I'm not engaged to him, or anyone for that matter," you said.

"So there's no guy?" Emily clarified.

"No guy, I'm far too busy for a guy. This job is the only relationship in my life," you confirmed, feeling Spencer tense. "Um, anyway, can someone please take me back to the hotel, I would like to change out of this before getting back on the jet," you said, picking at the edge of your dress.

"I'll take you," Spencer announced, speaking up.

"We're not heading back until the morning so everyone, rest up," Hotch said, walking away with Rossi to the surveillance van. You and Spencer made your way to one of the three suburbans, Spencer opening the passenger door for you.

You clasped your hand with his as soon as he pulled out of the parking lot. He smiled and lifted your hand to his lips, kissing it. "So," he began.


"Far too busy for a guy?"

You sighed and rolled your eyes. Of course this is what he was stuck on. "Spencer," you murmured. "Don't read into it."

"Why not?" He asked, raising his voice. You sat up, looking over at him in worry as you removed your hand from his.

"Pull over."


"Pull. Over." You said through your teeth.


"Pull the car over right now Spencer or so help me I will open the door and jump," you threatened. He stopped the car, parking on the shoulder.

"What? What was so necessary that I had to pull the car over?"

"Spencer, I love you," you said. Spencer was perplexed.

"Y/N I love you," he replied.

"Please talk to me, what's upsetting you?"

"Upsetting me? You had me pull over the car."

"Because you raised your voice. You're clearly upset about earlier. For what reason, I cannot understand."

"You don't want to tell them about us," he said quietly, his voice just above a whisper.

"Spencer, of course I do. I'm just worried."

"Worried? About what? About what they'll think? I know I'm not anything to write home about but I'm still your boyfriend."

"Spencer Reid I will not have you thinking less of yourself. You are brilliant and beautiful and, quite frankly, the love of my life. I'm not worried about you being seen as my boyfriend. Besides, didn't you hear what I said about love earlier?"

"Y/N, baby, then what is it?" he asked, caressing your cheek.

"Me. I'm not good enough for you. You're so smart and gorgeous and the sweetest human and I'm just me. The team loves you, you're their resident genius, resident golden boy. What if they don't approve of me?"

Spencer waited for you to finish before kissing you softly. "You are the love of my life and I don't care if anyone doesn't think you are worth it because you are. But, that wouldn't happen because you're too good for me. The team loves you and I love you."**

You smiled and kissed his nose gently. "Thank you."

Spencer looked down and squeezed your hand. "I'm sorry I acted like this."

"Just promise to talk to me in the future. Your brain goes a thousand miles a minute and I like to know what's going on up there," you said. Spencer nodded, putting the car in drive and starting towards the hotel. You arrived after JJ, Derek, and Emily, which caused a few questions.

"Did you two get lost?" JJ asked as you entered your room. Spencer followed you in stopping in his footsteps as he saw the team.

"Not possible with Reid driving, he probably memorized the entire road map to the city," Morgan interjected.

"What are you all doing in my room?"

"Well, Garcia told JJ and Emily about your whole fake engagement and they had more questions so I said we should come wait in here. Didn't know you'd be bringing Reid to bed though."

You grinned and shook your head. "Spencer, the book you wanted is in my bag, front zipper. Everyone else, I will explain in the morning I promise. Just know that I didn't want to lie to you guys but I had to."

"Alright, alright, we'll leave you to sleep," JJ said, smiling at you. "Tell me everything in the morning."

"Me too!" Emily interjected.

"Sucks for you two, I already knew," Morgan joked, walking out of the room after them. Spencer turned on his heel and made his way for the door.

"S? You're leaving too?"

"Yeah, gotta go read this book. Heard it's a real page turner," he teased, stepping out of the room. You laughed at his antics and began to her ready for bed. You went into the bathroom and took off your makeup, stepping into the shower. You returned to your room in towel and screamed lightly at the sight of Spencer laying on your bed in his pajamas.

"Spence!" You shrieked, throwing a pillow from the couch at him. He looked at you in fear, shaking his head as he batted away the flying decor piece. You approached him and pressed a kiss against his lips. He grinned and pulled you onto the bed. "I didn't know you would come back unannounced," you whispered, pulling away.

"I stole a key card on my way out," he replied softly, kissing you again. "Now, how about getting this towel off of you? You in that dress was unfair on so many levels."


"Y/N? What is it?"

"We've never been intimate on a case before."

"First time for everything?" He asked, pulling at your towel.

"Spencer," you said again, this time with more force. He looked up at you and nodded, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"Sorry my love, I don't want to pressure you into anything."

"No no, it's just that I'm just not feeling up for it right now. Today has been a day."

"Actually it's 12:06 so technically, yesterday was a day," he said cheekily. You laughed and stood up, throwing on one of the t-shirts you had stolen from him.

You climbed into bed, tangling your legs with his. "Goodnight my favorite genius," you whispered, closing your eyes. Spencer smiled, kissing your forehead as he played with your hair, one arm wrapped around your waist.


I'm back and excited to write more! Hope you all enjoyed

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