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"Reid, let him go," Hotch said from the doorway

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"Reid, let him go," Hotch said from the doorway. Spencer kept his grip, turning to meet your eyes. You nodded and he released the deputy, who glared at him but left without saying a word. Spencer pushed past Hotch and walked outside.

You watched him go, looking at Hotch with an apologetic face. He gave you a slight nod. You understood what he meant, following Spencer outside.

"Spence?" You asked as you reached the side of the building. He looked over at you from where he was kicking the wall. You approached him, reaching up and cradling his face in your hands. "Hey, thanks."

"You're not mad?" He asked, meeting your eyes.

"Mad? You got that creep away from me."

Spencer bit his lip, relaxing under your touch. His hands moved out of his pockets and to your waist, pulling you against him as he placed his lips on yours. You melted into his touch, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Holy," you whispered as he pulled away, blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm so sorry. I'm no better than that deputy," he continued, moving away from you. "I should have respected your personal space."

You frowned, shaking your head at his words. "Spencer, you and that deputy are not the same," you said, reaching for his hand and breaking his stare at the ground. "Kiss me again."

He met your eyes momentarily before his lips came crashing down on yours, Spencer pushing you against the wall of the building. You kissed him roughly, your hands in his hair, pulling ever so slightly. You were the one to break the kiss, resting your head against the brick, smiling like a kid on Christmas.

Spencer blushed, his hands still around your waist. You reached forward, hugging him, pressing your face into his chest. "I know you said we should just be friends. I'm sorry for kissing you."

"I'm not sorry, that was a good kiss. Although, we should head back in."

"Yeah, wonder how mad Hotch is," Spencer mused, pulling away and holding the door open for you. You grabbed his and your coffees from the table, walking towards the conference room. A few of the officers glared at the two of you but you ignored it entirely.

"Hmm, he looks pissed," you muttered walking into the room, sipping your coffee.

"Reid, that behavior is unacceptable," Hotch stated.

"He was borderline assaulting Y/N, I'm not sorry," Spencer stated, taking a swig from his coffee cup.** you widened your eyes as everyone looked between the two of you.

"We'll deal with this later," Hotch muttered, picking up a file folder. "Are you ok Y/L/N?"

"Yes sir, I'm fine," you answered, taking a seat. "I had a thought," you began, explaining the connection you believed was linking the 4 victims. "All 4 women had gone to the same dry cleaners within 24 hours of their murders. What if the unsub either works at the dry cleaners or close enough that he can stake out for young blondes?" Spencer nodded, saying the geographical profile also agreed.

"All women were taken around noon, so this man is either unemployed, or he works a 9-5 close enough that he can grab them during his lunch," Morgan offered.

"Broad daylight, he has to use a ruse," Emily added.

"Garcia?" You asked as you dialed the phone. "Can you get security camera footage of the parking lot by the dry cleaners within 24 hours of each abduction?"

"In a flash sweet cakes," Garcia adds, clicking off the phone. You laughed at her words, walking up to the board as you waited for her to send over the video files. Spencer walked next to you, his hand dangling near yours, the backs of your hands brushing past each other.

"You sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine S, promise." Spencer nodded, squeezing your hand quickly before letting go. "I hate that you're in trouble."

"What's the worst Hotch will do? A stern talking to and possibly a day or two of suspension? Maybe make me stay behind the next case?"

"Yeah but Spence-" you began. He shook his head and turned to face you, his eyes staring into yours.

"I would do it again. I'd do anything to keep you safe."

You bit your lip, resisting the urge to grab his face and plant your lips on his. You knew you couldn't. It wasn't allowed, nor was it smart. You would be working on this team indefinitely. And you didn't want to risk that. Nor did you want to lose Spencer, even if he stayed a friend. He had weaseled his way into your life and you couldn't imagine not having him.

"Videos are in," JJ announced, breaking you away from your thoughts. You smiled at Spencer softly and turned towards the screen, watching as the same blue car appeared every single day within the time the women went to the dry cleaners. It had to belong to the unsub.

"Garcia, run the plate on that blue car," you said, making everyone turn and look at you. You were surprised no one else had seen it, it was fairly obvious.

"Nice catch," Morgan muttered, punching your arm gently. You rolled your eyes, Garcia giving you the name of the unsub. Gilligan Dorian. He was 32, white, of medium build, and his late father owned the dry cleaners, before it was taken by the bank. Everything fit, seeing as the new owner was a woman who matched the victim type. She must have been his true target, but he was using these women as proxies.

"It's definitely him guys. The owner was just reported missing."

"Alright, let's go. Reid, you stay here," Hotch ordered. You gave Spencer a sad look, trying to indicate that you were sorry. He rolled his eyes and shook his head at you, sitting down and opening a file.

"I have never seen him act like that," JJ muttered to Emily as they walked in front of you. You silenced your steps, waiting to hear Emily's reply.

"I suppose, good for him for standing up for the people he loves."

You coughed, choking on air. The two women turned and looked at you with wide eyes, Emily handing you her water. You smiled through another chorus of coughs, the water finally helping. "Hey, thanks."

"Y/N, what we said," JJ began, her voice low as you slid into the backseat of the suburban.

"You're worried about a friend. It's all good. Frankly, I didn't know he'd do that either," you said as the car fell silent and you approached the unsub's home.

Six hours later you were home, having arrested the unsub and saved the owner of the dry cleaners, curled up on your couch watching a movie. Your phone buzzed and you looked down, frowning at the screen.

Stephen: Hey, still good for 12:30 tomorrow? Looking forward to seeing you.


Sorry for being so MIA, hope you enjoyed.

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