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A/N: From this point on, I'd like to note that the story begins to set a more grim tone. Please heed the mature tag; there is no explicit sexual content, so it is there for violence, gore, etc.


After a while they stumble to a stop in the grass, near the edge of the river. Sapnap takes a shaky breath, digging through their bags until he finds a small pot that they'd brought with them from the caravan and filled it from the river, starting a fire as quickly as he can, hastily setting the pot practically in the flames and waiting for the water to boil, watching Tommy anxiously.

The blond seems shaken and a bit woozy from having his arm chomped and then being dragged at high speed away from the forest, but relatively okay.

"I need to get that bite clean quickly," Sapnap tells himself aloud, "If I can wash it with boiled water, maybe- maybe I can find some kind of plant to put on it to stop it from getting infected, and then bandage it...properly...I don't, Tommy, do you know any way to make a poultice?"

Tommy shakes his head, baffled, and then Sapnap realizes; Skeppy knows this stuff.
He groans softly, and then with a deep breath, unwraps Tommy's wound, dunking the strips of fabric into the water. It's not bleeding as heavily, but it's still more bloody than comfortable. Tommy watches, and he can see the shift in Sapnap's attitude. His anxious frown, and the look as he sucks his pride up slowly.

"...Tommy? Do you have a way to contact Tubbo and Skeppy?" Sapnap asks quietly. He makes a face as he says it, unconsciously having to suppress his sour feelings towards Skeppy.

Tommy hesitates and then nods.

"I do. Should I use it?"

Sapnap nods, and fishes one piece of the fabric out of the water using sticks, holding a cooled portion gingerly before beginning to clean the bite marks. If the wolf had bit deeper, it might've hit the youth's bone, but as it is, it damaged muscle and likely nerves. Tommy flinches, and though he'd like to say he made no sound, a whine escapes him before he pulls out the orb, activating it.

"Tommy?" Tubbo's voice filters through, distant and tinny, before he adds, "Are you okay? You look pretty-"

"Tubbo," Sapnap cuts in, "I need to ask Skeppy something important. Is he there?"

Tubbo visibly hesitates, and glances off to the side before Skeppy's voice answers calmly,

"Yeah, Sapnap?"

"Look I know we parted on pretty bad terms but- Tommy got bit by a wolf, and it's a pretty bad injury, how do I keep it from getting infected??"

Tubbo gestures a bit, and Skeppy shoves over, appearing next to Tubbo in the orb.

"Uhhh...Wash it with hot water, let it bleed for a while to flush out whatever is in there and...Bad used a lot of plants and like, special clay sometimes. I can't remember them all. Just clean it as best you can, and fucking pray. We can probably get medicine in the city or something from what I took from Bad's kit. I don't think there's much you can really do short of letting him bleed out for several minutes to reduce the risk?..." He winces, and rushes out, "It's unlikely he avoids an infection, Sapnap. He's been bitten pretty bad right? Let me see-"

Tommy shoves his arm into the view of the orb and Skeppy visibly flinches.

"...yeah. If we don't get help from like, a mage in maybe three days, he's definitely getting an infection. Tommy? If you start getting feverish or anything, let Sapnap know right away. You guys need to speed up, I'll meet you in the city once we're-"

A young man leans over curiously into view of the orb,

"Is that a scrying orb?" Tubbo shushes him.

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