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Skeppy jerks up from leaning on his arm, hearing a voice, a familiar voice, very clearly telling him,

"Things are just getting worse."

A pain wraps around his chest, and he closes his eyes, suppressing the tears that make a bid for freedom.

Tubbo places a hand on Skeppy's shoulder, seeing the other's expression.

"Are you alright?" He whispers, and Skeppy nods, shuddering slightly. He can't quite articulate exactly what he just heard, but everything about it sends shivers down his spine.

"I just- I heard his voice," he says weakly, and Tubbo winces, understanding. "I heard it asking for help and I don't- I don't know how he managed to reach out or if I'm hallucinating but he sounded so broken and weak..."

Tubbo nods, gesturing slightly,

"Hey, keep going. You should try to get this out."

With the teen's encouragement, Skeppy takes another deep breath.

"His voice just- in my head but also kinda out loud? He said to come quick, that...it was only getting worse." He takes a breath, closing his eyes and then adding, "I've seen dreams of him- chained up, burned, being branded, being hurt...and all I can do is kneel next to him and tell him it's going to be okay, that I love him, and that I'm coming, and I'm never even sure if he can hear me. It hurts. It hurts really...like, really bad."
He falters as he explains his feelings, and he buries his face in his hands, thumbing over some of the scars on his cheeks in an attempt to ground himself. Tubbo looks away, not sure how to handle everything he's been told.

"...you'll get there, Skeppy," he tentatively says, "I'm sure of it. We're almost halfway there, after all." Skeppy lifts his head slightly, and Tubbo's bright, hopeful smile pierces the darkness like a beacon.

He hugs him gently, and sighs.

"Thank you Tubbo." He breathes all the gratitude he feels into a simple statement, his voice breaking slightly, "Gods, I hope we find the people you're missing soon. You deserve to be back with your family."

Tubbo laughs awkwardly,

"...well, they are my family! But not biologically. I'm an orphan, see."

Skeppy tilts his head, and pulls back for a second to examine Tubbo once again, a perplexed look on his face.

"Wait, wait. An orphan? You didn't mention that, jeez. You poor kids, I hope you and Tommy got to know your mom at least..."

Tubbo looks baffled, and then lights up, laughing,

"Our mum? Skeppy, Tommy isn't my brother!"

Skeppy's bafflement grows. Distantly, he recalls them being referred to as friends, but also Tommy directly calling Tubbo his brother, albeit during delirium.

"He's not??"

"No!" Tubbo cackles. "We may as well be though!"

Skeppy laughs in awkward confusion, feeling his cheeks warm up. Oh, this is so stupid. I'm such an idiot.
KJ calls gently,

"Hey, I wasn't gonna interrupt you two? But your friend is, better so to speak. Come take a look and then I'll work on your injury."

Skeppy stands, beaten to Tommy's side by Tubbo hurtling up out of his chair and scrambling over to the blond, leaving a disgruntled Fundy in his empty chair. Skeppy gently scratches behind the fox's ear, earning himself a yip of gratitude, and then steps into the other room. Tommy is sitting up, but still pretty clearly feverish. Tubbo asks without hesitation,

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