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And when he wakes in the morning, there's a letter on Sapnap's back, addressed to Skeppy in...

"George," he breathes softly, taking the envelope gingerly as he examines the familiar handwriting, as though the paper will fade away any second. He makes sure to tear the portion with his name on it, into tiny pieces nobody could reconstruct, and then pulls out the paper within.

It's fine paper, he can tell- and it seems to be gilt, in a way. The ink seems to be almost faintly luminescent, gleaming a dim purple.
He unfolds it, and begins to read his friend's scrolling loops. God, he's never been so glad to see those stupidly printed t's.

"Zak," it starts, "I know it's weird to use your name in a letter like this, but apparently I have to, plus the postal service is magic. So I trust you'll like, eat this letter once it's read."

Skeppy chuckles, knowing he's done exactly that before.

"So the basics are: when you left me in the square (no hard feelings by the way, I'll get to that) I was unconscious and almost dead from the venom those things had. I got picked up by someone from the End. He goes by Dream, but I do know his name. He nursed me back to health after abducting me to do so (he read that over my shoulder and is now telling me it's called "rescuing, not abducting George!"). It took me the better part of 4 days to recover. So once I woke up properly Dream told me about where I am (Can you guess? Apparently it's really purple. And barren.) And he's going to take me on a bit of a tour once I'm done.

So overall, I'm okay, which is why there's no hard feelings! I'm honestly better off here, I'm being doted on by my rescuer, who also happened to be a cuddler. Pretty scuffed up, yeah, but most of my injuries were healed pretty easily by the medics here. How are you? Do you have any information about Bad? I know you won't be able to answer this letter since you're not an Ender person or anything, but I feel like Bad is in a REALLY bad situation right now.

Wishing you the best,

George (Notfound :) finally got a nickname because it was a shock to hear someone else say my name)"

Skeppy takes it all in. He looks out to the sky. It has to be early morning, right?...
He glances at the boy sleeping on his lap. Should he?...
He decides for the moment to spare Sapnap. He needed his sleep. And when Skeppy began to think of waking him, he began to squirm a little, whining, and mumbling someone's name. Sounded a little like it started with K...or something like that.
His sleep motions subside, and he nuzzles against Skeppy's stomach, humming softly.

Skeppy folds the letter back up, and tucks it into its envelope, sliding both into his bag.

It's relieving to have concrete proof that George is okay, even if he's in the hands of someone Sapnap claims is a tyrannical murderer, and who George claims is...well, a cuddler who rescued him for no reason other than the fact he could.
He frowns suddenly.

George wrote that letter, yes. But surely there's a chance he was pressured into doing so? Forced, even? He never mentioned why Dream had saved him, or anything about Dream, really. Aside from small tidbits.
He closes his eyes, forcing away the ache in his heart when he decides to visit George in his dreams tonight.
Once and for all checking to see if he's okay.

He better be fucking okay or this Dream fellow is getting a wakeup visit from an angry best friend.

And he let go, drifting away towards the void of sleep, allowing it to embrace him and draw him closer to its world of dreams.

* * *

He can feel something wet nuzzling his hand for a moment before he's gone, and then he's touching down on cream colored stone, surveying his surroundings.
He finds George soon, balancing on the edge of the island.

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