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Skeppy swivels in his seat when he hears the footsteps in the back room, expectantly looking over the back of his chair like a child waiting for their parent.

However the person who emerges first from the back room, dusting himself off, is a blond man with dark eyes and a red sweater. He blinks sheepishly at the group, and turns as Eret emerges as well, thanking him in a refined voice,

"Thank you Eret. I'll be sure to be ready next time you need my advice." Eret smiles warmly at him, shakes his hand, and gently ushers him to the door.

"No, thank you," Skeppy hears Eret reply, "Your assistance has proved invaluable, Grian. I'll be sure to show you the final result of our project, when it's ready to be shown."

With those words, the door closes, the man now making his way out into the streets as Eret settles down in into a chair, blinking at the group.

"It's time to discuss our next move, then?" He inquires, and Skeppy nods.

"And I have a plan for it too. Now, do you have any maps of the Berlmang mountain range?" Eret's nod is now curious as he raises an eyebrow.

"I do indeed. You're searching for the embassy, yes?"

"I am. Once we get there, we should find the required maps to lead to the place we are searching for— I'm hoping it's labeled appropriately or we might have an issue. But regardless." Skeppy leans forward, and Tommy interjects,

"Actually! Oi, Eret. Have you heard any news of Philza or Wilbur? Wilbur, uh, Soot." He seems uncertain on the name, but Eret seems to recognize it. He shakes his head uncertainly.

"The last I had heard of them was that they and two others had been exiled from the lands of Technoblade. Why?" Tubbo cringes, and Tommy rubs the back of his neck, looking away slightly.

"Well, uh, we 'ave a personal interest in findin' em, ya know?" His accent thickens as he begins to mumble, "Ye see it's, we aren't really the best at findin' lost things or, uh, lost people—" Tubbo puts a hand on his shoulder, and informs Eret calmly,

"Mister Eret, sir, we're the two who were exiled with them. We want to find them because they're sorta our family, y'know? Well, adopted and that lot, but family regardless." Eret makes a soft sound of comprehension, and glances to Skeppy, Fundy, and Sapnap as he replies cautiously,

"Well, I have not heard that much about them since their exile, but I can send out a request for any information. If any of my men should come to encounter them, who is looking for them exactly?"

"Tubbo, and Tommy," Tubbo replies without hesitation, "If ye can get a message through to them, tell them we'll meet them in this city!" Skeppy glances at Sapnap, and then cuts in,

"Yes, you two will. Because I'm not bringing you to the Nether, regardless of if you were born there or not."

Immediately there's a chorus of protests from the two,

"Eh!! Why would you leave us?"

"Skeppy, you taught us how to fight!"

"Let me kick their asses, fucker!"

"We can help you navigate!"

Skeppy holds a hand up, and tries to calm them down,

"Look, I wouldn't want to put you two into harm's way. Even if you're both fairly capable fighters, I wouldn't want to risk you being hurt or killed, especially since you don't even know where your family is and you want to find them. Imagine how sad they'll be if you were to die in combat—" He can see their expressions change, and winces as he sees the somewhat guilty look in Tubbo's eyes and the fiery indignation and resistance in Tommy's.

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