A/N (Updated with AO3 tags)

417 11 5

Hello Reader! Now, I'm aware you'd like to get into reading, but I'd like to say one or two things before you begin.

Firstly: This fic is also posted on my Archive of Our Own account! If you would like to support it there, you can find me under JynX245. This is my own work, reposted by myself.

Secondly: I do not mean any disrespect to any of the content creators whose personas/characters I have featured in this story. All of this content is fictional and is not intended to reflect reality.

Thirdly: Proceed carefully; I have not marked this story as mature at the present date, however it contains:
-Brief scenes of torture
-Descriptions of generally gross things
-A focal parasitic entity
-And of course, it is video-blogging rpf. Though I would not say the romantic aspect is central to the plot in the sense that it actively happens onscreen in every chapter or anything, it is a driving factor. Therefore, if you are uncomfortable with shipping of Badboyhalo/Skeppy or Dream/Georgenotfound, please proceed with caution.

Also it updates 2 chapters at a time, on each Sunday or Monday~

I may mark it as mature if the audience deems it necessary. With that, thank you for your time, please enjoy!


EDIT: As of Nov 10th, I've marked it mature due to content in future and current chapters. This is not due to sexual content- this is due to depictions of the above mentioned triggers and generally mature narrative.

EDIT^2: As of June 10th, I have decided to carry over the tags from AO3! Here they are, and meanings if needed

EDIT^3: As of May 3rd, the completion date of the fic, here are the tags

EDIT^3: As of May 3rd, the completion date of the fic, here are the tags

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Grey/highlighted ones: Relationship tags. Name/Name being romantic, Name&Name is platonic or familial (i.e, George / Dream is romantic, they're together. However Tubbo & Tommy is platonic- they're friends, and consider each other family). AO3 uses some real names, so Darryl, Zak, Clay, Toby, Floris, and Phil refer to the characters, not the people.

Whump- extreme angst, often paired with cathartic comfort. Basically, the sum of all the torture tags and inflicted on one person.

Dead Dove: Do Not Eat: THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TAG. DD:DNE basically means "don't like, don't read" or "you're getting what's on the tin." It's a warning that the tagged problematic content is PRESENT and you won't be able to ignore it. For all you ao3 newbies, this is a big one to know :D don't get upset if you read the tags and it has DD:DNE and then you read the fic and surprise surprise- you get what was TAGGED. This really should go for any properly tagged work.

"Character Death": this is one of my own tags. Read the tag right after it for clarity.

Non-consensual body modification: alteration of one's physical form without their permission. Always inflicted by an external or external viewed source.

Images in the upper left:

Yellow T: Teen audiences. I didn't rate mature because I feel most *teenagers* can handle what I've written, even if they feel a little offput

Multicolored squares: Multiple types of relationships are focused on in the narrative! This work has romantic, platonic, and familial relationships in particular.

Red exclamation point: This varies depending on the fic. In my fic's case, it means that it contains graphic depictions of violence. Please please PLEASE read tags carefully on ao3!

Red caution symbol: "Creator chose not to use archive warnings". This is not a "this work is safe". This means "this work could contain assault, violence, underage sex, or major character death, or none of them, however the author does not want to say either due to spoilers or due to elaboration in the tags". In this case, I have tagged most if not all things that fall under this catchall.

Thank you!! I figured that I should probably actually add the tags, as I realized I was lax about it and thus somewhat failed my authorial duty to make sure that nobody was dumped into my torturefest without apt warning. I apologize if this caused anyone distress :'D

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