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Bad trembled in horror. Even though his body wouldn't move, he could feel it as blood dripped slowly over his skin. It felt dirty, and more importantly inhuman—was it his, he wondered?

No, it couldn't be. He stares up, to its source. The blood dripping down him was from none other than Lum—but the empty look in his eyes struck fear in Bad, even as his consciousness faded again. What has happened? Why is his arm bleeding? And why on me?

A spark of energy landed on the piglin's injury, sealing it even as his impassive gold eyes study the cut. And as it's healed, a clattering of hooves on the stone alerts Lum to Assu and Maiu's return.

Don't trust him, Bad whimpers, somewhere, silently. But he's gone before he can try to tell them.

There's something wrong! Please stop him before he—

Before he what? Thoughts fall away like water through his fingers, and he's back in darkness, in the warmth and safety of death.

His eyes close, tears dripping down to fall into the void.

I don't want them to get hurt, please...

* * *

Philza heaves in a sigh of relief as the tunnel levels out. He can hear a few of the group murmuring discontentedly, some of them tired, others hungry, a few thirsty. To be expected; he's pushed them pretty hard, traveling for upwards of ten hours straight.

"We're almos' to an outpost," he calls, quieting their grumbles. "We'll be able to sleep for a little while and make some food when we get there. Come on, just a lil further, I believe in you guys!" His encouragement is met with sighs (and signs of various snarky remarks from Mega) even as Callahan trudges on, his eyes glazed over in the blistering heat.

Fundy trots up to Phil, and asks quietly,

"Hey, how much longer? I, uh..." He nods to the young mage behind them; Tubbo stumbles, drawing in a shaky breath even as his gaze wanders, "I think he might need some rest, man."

Philza points ahead to the ground as it changes to warped nylium and the tunnel gives way to open air.

"We're nearly there," he murmurs softly, "Jus'...keep him steady, aight?" Fundy nods, and falls back to Tubbo's side, talking softly for a moment before helping the boy onto his back, wheezing slightly at the exertion of carrying him. Phil smiles slightly, reassured by the sight.

Fundy is a good man, he concurs, and he cares for the boys. Of the people who coulda met with them, I'm glad it was him.
Their progress is slow but steady, and soon, the outpost coming into sight after a few more minutes. Phil breathes a sigh of relief. I was right. As they file in to get ready to rest, Fundy lets Tubbo down, and Phil ruffles the teen's hair.

"Hey, you're doin' a good job," he tells him gently, "Keep trooping, okay?" Tubbo rubs his eyes, and nods, a soft whine escaping him as he wanders over to lay down.

Unbeknownst to Phil, the situation described by the outpost here was incredibly similar to the one Dream and the others encountered; there's a mention of a large rift in the ground though.

This is fairly recent, he realizes as he scans over the report. Recent enough that it probably happened...shortly before Assu enacted her plan.
Unease worms its way into his veins, but Philza pushes the worry away, laying down and closing his eyes.

We'll get to the chapel and fix this. If we seal the situation properly and well, the creature won't be able to do anything for the time being—and surely there's still time for things to work out.
But he can't shake a premonition hanging over him; the feeling that by the end of this all, things will be changed, for the worse.

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