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His body is warm, too warm to be safe. He can feel himself swaying, and he looks up to see a horrific grinning face above him, bright blue eyes boring into him.
He unashamedly, without hesitation, lets out a high pitched scream of absolute terror, struggling as best he can.

His movements are slow and sluggish, as though he's in slow motion, and when a blow connects with the thing carrying him, it's weak and pitiful.
Sound comes from the being, as though it's trying to speak, but he sobs, struggling in fear. His world is hazy and dim, and he can barely tell what's happening- he's just terrified, and that's all he can confirm. The being leans down, and he cries softly, begging for someone to come help him, for someone to save him;
And he hears a soft voice, seemingly coming from everywhere around him.

"Calm down, stop kicking. I promise you're going to be okay, we need to get the venom out of your body. I know you're scared. But it'll be okay."

The voice is so gentle and calm. And in his irrational, panicked state, it's all he needs, a sliver of reality leaking into his surroundings. He goes limp again in his captor's arms, his mind fading back into feverish dreams only half coherent.

* * *

Skeppy becomes aware of a dull throbbing everywhere in his body before he becomes aware of himself breathing or the warmth of the sun on his face. He groans weakly, and as everything comes back to him, he just stays laying down, shame flooding him.

He had told Bad to go there, to hide. He had said he'd be safe.
George had fought with him, and yet when George seemed to need him most, Skeppy assumed he was dead and fled, leaving him to the tender mercy of whatever that thing was.
He bites his lip, and reluctantly opens his eyes to see a tanned face framed by black hair looking down over him, a pair of brown eyes blinking curiously. They move back as he sits up.

They- he- is a young man with black, wayward hair partially held down by a white strip of fabric tied around his head. His black and white- seemingly two separate, white short sleeved and black long- shirts looking unseasonably warm in comparison to his simple sweatpants. Drinking in the sight of another living human, Skeppy takes a moment before asking groggily,

"Who the actual fuck are you? Some kind of ninja from the forest I don't know about?"
His rescuer holds up his hands in mock surrender, and says in an easygoing, level tone,

"Hold on there, you might want to turn down the hostility. After all you've been unconscious here for like five hundred hours and I've yet to kill you, so I'm probably not going to. The name's Sapnap, yours?"

Skeppy stares at him, almost sulking now, and has to admit this Sapnap is probably telling the truth. It had been night when the attack was initiated, and as he looks around, he can clearly see it's dawn at least. So he grudgingly replies,

"Skeppy. How'd you find this place? And were there any more survivors?"

Sapnap leans back, and shakes his head.

"I was passing by early this morning when I noticed smoke. I searched the place top to bottom and the only person I found was you- well, the only living one at least. Plenty of bodies," he says morbidly. Skeppy curses softly, and tries another angle,

"What about the portal frame? You saw it right? Was it intact?"

Sapnap shakes his head again,

"That bitch was blasted to the kingdoms come. All I could see left of it was shards of obsidian everywhere. You even had some stuck in you. I might not have gotten it all out."

Skeppy notices the makeshift bandaging on his arms and chest, and his heart aches for Bad a little more, remembering how many times his friend had patched him up after a reckless journey.
Sapnap turns around to face the fire, turning something on a spit, and then reaching into his bag to offer Skeppy a small bag of berries.

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