Menace Part 2

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Summary of last chapter; Spiderman is accused of a crime. The Avengers locate him and find out about his innocence and further about his powers.
Hey guys Shout out to AvengersDirectioner I don't usually write swear words but I felt like I should in this, so if you are sensitive to this I wouldn't advise reading this chapter.

May cupped Peter's face and asked 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine Aunt May.' Peter said gripping her hands. May let relief wash over her.

She then turned to the Avengers.

'Who the fuck do you think you all are? Just because you're more rich, skilled and have supernatural abilities does not make you a superior to anyone. Do really believe we're going to put our precious lives into your fucking hands. You better take your ass and get lost. During the fucking battle of New York we put out lives into your fucking hands because we had no choice but now the fact that you almost killed my nephew proves that you bitches are not to be supported.'

'May please.....' Peter was cut off.

'And what a team you put together Mr.Eyepatch (pointing at Nick Fury). Seriously. A knight in woman tights (pointing at Captain America) A Robin Hood (Hawkeye) A girl with trust issues (Black Widow) A tin man (Ironman) A guy with rage issues (Bruce Banner) An alien who claims himself as god (Thor)'

'Aunt May....' Peter tried again only to be cut off again.

'If I ever see you fucking Avengers around my Nephew I will not hesitate to murder you.' May threatened.

She walked over to Peter. 'Let's go home.' She said in her motherly tone.

Peter glanced at the Avengers and doubled over in laughter. Their was too much. Peter couldn't stop laughing. This was nothing compared to what he had to go through when May found out about Spiderman.

Peter and May were about to head to the elevator when Tony spoke up 'We could make sure the kid doesn't get hurt you know. Make sure he doesn't run into anything too dangerous.'

'Fine but if I see a single scratch on him. I'll end you Stark.' May said after thinking for a while.

'Great.' Peter muttered under his breath. He did not need someone to keep an eye on him. Peter sighed and rushed to the window 'I'll see you at the apartment Aunt May.' He said before swinging off.

Hey guys so I'm not really proud of this chapter but let me know what you think in the comments. Vote if you want and leave me some ideas to check out.
Shout out to @spiderplushy2003 for first vote

 Shout out to @spiderplushy2003 for first vote

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