Tony's back (Theory chapter)

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After Endgame

1 Theory

'Hey loser, wanna hang?' Peter turned to see MJ and Ned, his best friends.

'I'm busy today.' Peter turned towards his bag to grab his glasses which Tony had left for him.

'Could we help, if it includes Spider Man?' Ned offered.

'I'm sorry but I have to do something else.' Peter wore his glasses walking off.



'Get me Mr. Stark.'

'Switching controls to Tony Stark.'

'Hey Pete.'

'Hey Mr. Stark. Um.....could you tell me the transfer process. I'm going to Happy to get access to one of the labs at Stark industries right now.'


'Hey Pennis. Looks like you even got the news reporters to say you work with Tony Stark. Oh and that your Spider Man. Don't think Spider Man's as big a wimp as you are.' Peter closed his locker to see Flash approaching.

'Shut up, Flash. Don't you have anything better to do.' Peter had had a rough day since J Jonah Jameson exposed him.

'Let me think. Yeah I just remembered.' He aimed a punch at Peters stomach.

Peter skilfully dodged it. He had enough of Flash's bullying. He needed a break. Peter webbed Flash's fist to a locker, since he didn't have to hide the fact he's Spider Man, and ran out of the school building and wore his glasses.

'Edith, please tell me theirs another recording by Mr. Stark which can help me calm down.' Peter asked.

'Actually Peter, their is an AI like figure in my system that Mr. Stark didn't want me to share unless you truly needed it.' Peter was confused but said 'Play it.'

'Hey Pete, look kid I know life's hard. Especially after what just happened. Kid this isn't a recording I actually uploaded myself into the system and now I need you to help me get into Stark industries system. So are you in?'

'I'm probably dreaming, right?'

'No, this is all real, Pete.'

'No way it has got to be a prank recording or something.' Peter says trying to stay calm.

'Edith please confirm that this is a recording '

'Confirmation complete. This is a Non-Artificial Intellectual biodynamic structure.'

'Ok, Ok. This is normal. This is so totally normal..............uh what am I saying this is beyond crazy.' Peter started pacing back and forth.

'Calm down kid, how about you get back home and I'll explain everything on the way.'
The AI like structure tries to calm Peter down.

It had turned out when Tony had snapped he's fingers and defeated Thanos he had ordered Edith to transfer him to the glasses he had given to Peter. Tony had planned everything out when trying to make the time machine.


Peter got to the lab and quickly started to work and followed Tony's orders. Peter gave at least 1567 tries until he finally got it right. Tony had asked Peter to let Pepper and Happy know about him but made sure Morgan didn't find out.

After the whole day ended. Happy took Peter to one of the towers where Pepper and Morgan were living because, of work. When they got their a hologram of Tony appeared 'Kid. I'm super proud of you. I always knew you could do it.'

Peter has spent the last two days trying not to cry at seeing his mentor. But he couldn't hold it in anymore and burst.

'I miss you Mr. Stark.'

'I know kid.'

'I can't do this anymore. You said that I trust the next Tony Stark.' Pulling out the small note he had received along with Edith 'Well I'm not you and I can't be you. I've been doing nothing but screwing up since you had gone.' Tears were falling like waterfalls now.

Suddenly Peter felt that he was being held tightly by mechanic arms and he looked up to see a iron man suit hugging him. 'I'm sorry Pete, I just knew you could do this......' The hologram said gesturing to itself. ' I gave you the glasses besides wanna know something .' The hologram Tony looked at Pepper and said 'You're special kid. Your not any typical high schooler and I'm not saying that cause you're Spiderman I'm saying this cause you're my SON.' Peter forced a smile but tears started rolling down his cheeks again.

Theory 2

'Hey, what's up.' Peter says following Happy to the private sector of Stark Industries. 'You'll find out soon enough kid.'

When they reached the private sector. Peter stood their speechless as The Tony Stark made his way to him. 'Hey kiddo.' He's mentor spoke. 'I think I'm sick. I'm seeing things Happy get me to Aunt May PLEASE before I end up dying or humiliating myself in front of someone.' Peter nudged on Happy begging him.

'Your not seeing things Peter.' Happy said pushing Peter off himself.

'So that's Mr. Stark? Is that what you're trying to say?' Peter asked.


'I don't believe it I saw you die in-front of my eyes.'

'It's just uh..............I changed places with an alien species you probably don't know about and I decided to stay hidden, just incase.'
Peters mouth dropped open.

'How could you have left us. And what? Just incase of what? You better have a solid reason for this.' Peter was flaming red by now. Tony didn't really have a good response.

'It's complicated, kiddo. But aren't you glad I'm back.'

'After you left me. You gave me a device that got into the hands of a bad guy cause I was...............' Peter trailed off tears had started forming.

'I already know. Hey don't worry Parker. Everything's alright now.'

'I just....... I  missed you.' Peter cried. Tony felt like a jerk now for leaving the kid and started debating whether to hug the kid or just soothe him. Eventually the hugging part won. Peter cried out on Tony's arms. 'How about we work in the lab to take your mind off.' Peter nodded he had missed working with Tony.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed. These were some theories I came up with when I watched Spiderman Far From Home.
Like I said before I'm open for ideas and if you guys enjoyed this please vote and follow If you want.

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