Stark's kid

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(Before Infinity War)
Hey guys so this was a request by 14zahra14. Hope this is good. Enjoy

Peter was swinging through the city with his dad. 'We should split up.' He suggested.
'No way, kiddo.' Tony responds.
'But dad, we could cover more ground that way.'
'No means no. Besides we have a meeting in about 15 minutes and your mom is going to kill me if she finds out we're not their.'

Peter groaned. He hates his life. He was fine with the fact that his parents weren't any typical parents. His dad was The Ironman and his mom was the CEO of Stark Industries one of the biggest companies ever. The only thing he hated was that he had to deal with the press and go to boring meetings because he knew everything about the company even though he was just 16. He wasn't complaining but his parents were overprotective too.

He had been Spiderman for a good long time. He had kept it a secret from his parents because if they found out they wouldn't let him be Spiderman anymore. Peter has been extremely careful but he'd forgotten about Friday and one day when his parents didn't find him in his room they asked Friday and his secret got out.

                                  Time Skip

It was dinner time and the three had decided to go out to eat at some restaurant. Unlike usual they hadn't gone to some fancy restaurant that was expensive. They were at a different restaurant it was sort of fancy but not really that expensive they had decided to go their to get out of the press.

While eating Peter noticed two kids about his age. The chubby boy was sparkling and seemed like he would explode. He was mainly staring at his dad. The girl though looked annoyed at the boy but she seemed exited too but super calm. Peter didn't want to hear their conversation but had because of his enhanced hearing.

'Dude is that really The Ironman?' The boy had said.

'He's not even that awesome, Loser. Anyone could save the day with a fancy armour.' The girl had said making Peter laugh. It was sort of true but no one could replace Ironman he was just too good.

'How are you not even star struck at seeing him here.' The boy had asked.

The girl shrugged 'Pepper Stark is tons cooler.' and just for a second her eyes sparkled as she said Peppers name.

Tony and Pepper has noticed that Peter was constantly staring at the two kids and signalled them to come.

The two kids started fanboy/fan girl over Peters parents. After some time when the boy was done fanboying over Tony, he asked for a picture with Peter which just made Peter feel weird. The kids started up a random conversation.

Peter found out that the boy 'Ned' really liked Lego's and science too. While the girl 'Michelle' was smart and Peter thought she was tough and Pretty. It was easy for them to become friends.


' I was thinking if you would let me go to school.' Peter said quietly on the drive back to the tower.'I know you don't like that idea but I haven't asked for anything from you ever and....'

'You know you can't, Pete. Your mom and I have to travel out of the city over and over you'll just get left behind in class, besides don't you think you're already doing good in your education?' Tony frowned

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