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(Before Captain America Civil war)
Hey guys so MJ, Ned and May know Peters identity and Tony doesn't. Oh and Peter has the Spiderman suit Tony gives him but in this Peter made it himself.
(Quick note; Flashbacks included and they'll look like this)

Peter woke up startled. He was in an unfamiliar room. He placed his head in his hands. He tried listening to anyone around but it was no use. It seemed as if the walls were sound proof. He suddenly remembered everything that had happened.

Peter quickly felt around his face. Good his mask was still on. They don't know anything YET. No wonder he couldn't hear anything outside the room. Of course Tony Stark wouldn't want prisoners listening to their conversations.(I know their aren't any cells In avengers tower but let's just think so for the story)

A thought spiked up making Peters head shoot up.

'No. No. Stop thinking that Peter' Peter muttered to himself.

What if he never saw May? What if he never saw Ned and MJ? What if S.H.I.E.L.D decided to hold him as prisoner for everything JJJ accused him off.

A tear rolled down Peter's cheek. Little did he know he was being watched by the Avengers.


'He's a menace. A threat. How long will we stand that criminal? That.....'

May switched the channel as she placed some snacks for the three friends.

'The Avengers are personally looking into the situation. Tony and the Avengers are trying to track down Spiderman as we speak.' Pepper Potts assured the reporters.

'I can't believe I actually idolise the person who wants to kill my friend.' MJ huffed.

'It's not really her fault that everyone thinks Spiderman is the bad guy.' Ned reasoned.

'Yeah. Besides, Jameson's trying to get to me by all sorts of ways.' Peter chimed in though he felt disgusted by the thought that the Avengers were actually trying to hunt him down.

Later in the day

Peter was on patrol when his spider Senses acted up. Peter barely dodged an Arrow. Peter landed on a rooftop he quickly balanced himself and looked where the threat was. He saw Thor and Ironman hovering in the air on the rooftop to his right.

Hawkeye, BlackWidow and Captain America were on the same rooftop. The repulser of Ironman's suit lit up. Peter quickly jumped out of the way.

'I'm on your side.' Peter shouted from underneath his mask.

'Heard that a million Times.' Hawkeye replied shooting another arrow which blew up making Peter land on his back.

Peter groaned as he got up. He jumped off the roof and tried swinging away when something cut his web.

Peter landed on the ground. Captain America's shield flew towards Peter. Peter jumped up in an effort to avoid it but instead it almost hit a girl that had been behind him.

Peter shot a web and yanked the shield away. 'MJ? What the hell?' Peter said when he saw her.

'Stark! We need to avoid casualties.' Peter heard Captain America order.

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