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(Before Infinity War)
Peter is Tony's Biological son. MJ is Peter's assistant and knows he's Spiderman. So I decided to add Spideychelle/Petechlle in this.

Tony knocked on the door. He was growing impatient.

'Peter bud, it's been as hour. Please open the door.' Tony said softly.

'I'm not coming out.' Tony heard Peter.

God why's he so stubborn,Tony thought

'Friday unlock the door.' Tony said to the AI.

'Lock it.' Tony heard Peter.

'Override code: 01061996.' Tony said before entering the room.

Tony saw Peter on the ceiling. His back facing Tony 'Peter.' Tony said softly.

Peter didn't move. He continued to look in the other direction.

'Bud, you know this day was coming.' Tony said sitting on the bed which was positioned so his neck wouldn't hurt from looking upward.

'I don't want the world to know this. I want to be normal forever.' Peter said jumping off the ceiling and next to Tony on the bed.

'Peter. Your mom and I delayed the Conference but we can't do anything else.' Tony said. 'You're not just any kid. You're a Stark.' Peter sighed at that.

'Can't we wait till I graduate from college.' Peter said making puppy eyes. Tony chuckled and shook his head. Peter pouted. Tony couldn't help but smile at how eager his son was.

When Peter didn't receive a response he crossed his arms and faked hurt. 'Even my dad doesn't want me to have a normal life.'

Tony shook his head 'That won't work on me, young man.'

They both burst into laughter, Just as Pepper appeared.

'Looks like my two boys are getting along perfectly. So does that mean you've finally decided to listen to us.' She said smiling.

Peter shook his head. 'I still don't want to do this, mom. I'm fine with the Paparazzi going nuts when they find out about me but they're gonna start spreading annoying rumours. And I don't think I'm ready to let MJ and Ned get into this crazy situation.'

'Don't worry, loser. You and the other loser won't be bothered by anyone once they find out about me.' MJ said casually, appearing in the doorway. Peter almost laughed at the thought.

'Anyways get changed. We don't want to be late.' Pepper ordered. Peter nodded.

'Oh and I called my personal hairstylist for the special occasion.' Tony winked making Peter roll his eyes. Of course Tony had.

Peter got changed into one of his designer outfits that Tony had gotten for the occasion and got his hair styled. And this is what he looked like........

 And this is what he looked like

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