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(After Spiderman Far from home)
Hey guys so I got inspired to write this while reading a fanfic by the_annoying_fan .

Peter woke up. His breathing unstable. His hands shaking. He couldn't forget it even after Tony showing up again. Maybe it was the fact that Peter really did blame himself for Tony's death. Even though Tony is alive now Peter still had the same nightmare over and over again.

Peter breathes deeply to control his breathing. As soon as his breathing was normal, he reached for his phone to check the time since it was still dark and 3 hours before May would come to wake him up for school. Peter realised he was still in his Spiderman suit. He must have fallen asleep when he got home.

Since he was already in his Spiderman suit he grabbed his mask and climbed out the window looking for any crimes or anything at all to get his mind off his nightmares but he couldn't find anything. He spent an hour patrolling before heading back to his apartment. Peter didn't feel like going back to his room so he sat on the roof waiting for something to happen while talking to Karen.

Peter must have fell asleep because he woke up shaking again and his breathing heavy. 'Peter you seem to be experiencing a panic attack. Should I inform Mr.Stark?'

'What?....No.' Peter shouted but it was too late, Karen had already alerted Tony. Peter groaned and went to his apartment window. He quietly sneaked in and put on one of his science pun T-shirts because May would have screamed at him for hours if she found out Peter had been out being Spiderman at this hour.

Peter quietly grabbed one of his books to go through his homework but must have been super tired and fallen asleep again.

He woke up with another panic attack at the same moment Peters bedroom door opened. Revealing May who was followed by Tony and Happy.

Peter made a puzzled look.

'Peter why didn't you tell me?' May asked worriedly.

'Tell your what?' Peter asked innocently and more confused.

'Kid, you've been having panic attacks and I know for sure this wasn't the first one.' Tony said sternly.

Peter remembered Karen alerting Tony and quickly said, 'I'm fine Mr.Stark. It's just a stupid nightmare.'

'A nightmare?' Tony repeated 'When was the last time you slept?' Tony said inspecting Peters tired face.

Peter hesitated. It wasn't that he didn't sleep. He had but he kept waking up because of the dream. 'Last night?' Peter said though it came out more of a question then an answer.

All of the three adults looked strictly at Peter. 'Fine I did sleep but I keep waking up a few minutes later.' Peter said truthfully since he didn't want to keep getting disappointed looks.

'PETER. I thought we agree that you weren't going to keep secrets.' May said angrily.

'You've already gotten so much to do. Besides it's my problem. I mean I was the one who gave Beck those E.D.I.T.H glasses otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.'
Peter reasoned.

'See what?' Tony asked.

'Oh' Happy said before quickly covering his mouth since Peter had made him promise not to tell anyone. All three faces turned to him.

Peter sighed 'When Beck tricked me to thinking I was with Nick Fury and Mrs Hill. Their was this illusion.........' Peter hesitated before continuing. 'The illusion was..........he showed me a grave and......the Ironman suit flew out of it and started moving towards me and Beck said "If you were good enough maybe Tony would still be alive"..........but in the illusion the Ironman zombie didn't attack............and in my dream it did and not just that but all the Avengers blame me too. Maybe it really is true that if I'd been quicker, if I'd been stronger I might not have bliped and you and Natasha and everyone else might not have suffered so much to get everyone back.'

Peter felt at the verge of crying but May wrapped him in a hug.

'How about you come with me and we'll make sure you don't get those nightmares again?' Tony offered.

Peter made a puzzled look before realising what Tony meant and agreed. After school of course.

Hey guys so let me know what you think in the comments. Vote if you want and leave me some ideas to check out.

 Vote if you want and leave me some ideas to check out

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