the baby

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arianna riddle

We were all in the Dining Hall eating dinner.

The boys were discussing where they wanted to go tomorrow.

"How about a stroll down Hogsmeade in general?" Enzo suggested.

"Onyx and I used to do that-"

I get that Onyx is...dead...but Blaise brought it up every 5 seconds. We never acknowledged it, though. Yeah, Onyx was one of us, but she died over a week ago.

I still didn't talk to Lorenzo. It had been over a day and he's been trying to talk to me, but I wasn't going to forgive him that easily.

"Why don't you boys visit a flower garden? Then you can get some flowers, bring them back and then create a spot for Onyx in the backyard." Luna suggested.

"I think that's a brilliant idea Luna!" I beamed, she looked at me and smiled.

I started drifting off into my own world. I couldn't help but think of the Weasleys. How they had lost Fred, all because of me.

Luna, Narcissa and I were in the kitchen talking about different kinds of teas. 

Lorenzo and I were fighting almost all night. I was tired of him getting jealous of me talking to other guys who are our FRIENDS, but he gets to go and kiss Lucille multiple times. He told me that Lucille means nothing to him and that they were just friends, I obviously didn't believe him.

Lucille walked down the stairs and sat in between Luna and I.

I kept on thinking about Lorenzo, and how we was just worried to loose me. I look over at Lucille and anger overwhelms me as I can visualize Lorenzo kissing her. 

I was so tired of his fucking bullshit and the only reason I'm still with him is because I truly belive he loves me.

Out of nowhere, a knock echoes from the foyer. 

"Hermione's here," Luna blurted as she took a sip of tea, "Were you expecting her?" 

"How did you know it was Hermione, Luna?" Lucille gulped.

"Intuition, I suppose," Luna replied with a smile.

Lucille gets up and I follow her. We walk to the foyer and open the Manor's large doors, to see Ron and Hermione standing in front of us.

Hermione quickly pulled Lucille into an embrace, and Ron walked over and hugged me.

"Bloody hell, Lucille! I was worried sick!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you the moment I came here," Lucille responded.

"Where's Harry?" I ask and Hermione turns her head to look at me.

"He couldn't come," She jeered. 

This pissed me off, my life was already fucked up and I didn't need her to give me attitude.

"Cut the fucking attitude, Granger." I spat.

She looked back at Lucille, "So, Harry told me that you were dating Draco?"

"Yes..I am."

"Is he here right now?" 

"N-No he's not," Lucille stammered.

Footsteps crept closer towards us, I quickly turn around to see Narcissa standing behind us.

"You two must be Ron and Hermione! Please, come in!" 

Ron didn't hesitate, he quickly walked into the Manor. Hermione was the opposite, she hesitated, but once Ron walked in she decided to follow him.

"We won't stay for long, Lucille wanted to tell me something that she couldn't say through Owl." Hermione stated.

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