winter break

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I start packing my clothes into my trunk. I can't believe winter is already here and Draco and I haven't finished fixing the Vanishing Cabinet. Winter Break is probably the only break I'll get this year. I can only hope that Lorenzo and I get more alone time. I swear, it's like Blaise, Draco, Onyx, and Lucille are our kids, they're always around us. 

But, good news is Onyx and Blaise finally made it official, and Draco and Lucille have been together for a while. Draco's mother, Narcissa, invited Onyx, Lucille and Blaise to go to the Malfoy Manor with Draco, Lorenzo and I. Lucille couldn't make it because she's going to the Burrow, but she'll come to the Manor afterwards. 

I've always been scared to go to the Malfoy Manor for Christmas or summer, ever since 4th year. 

Currently, Draco, Blaise, Enzo and I were walking to Lucille's room. Lorenzo and I were walking hand in hand, we never spoke about how I lashed out at him two days ago, and I honestly think it's for the best. 

We quickly open the door without knocking, and Lucille jumps a bit.

"Oi, are you ladies ready? I want to leave immediately," Blaise groaned and he sits down on Onyx's bed.

Enzo puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead, "Are you sure you want to go back, or do you want to stay here, I'll stay with you." He whispers. 

"Enzo, I'm fine! I told you what happened because we're dating, besides, I've been going to the Manor even after what happened in 4th year." I whispered, and he nods. 

"Our trunks are already outside your door," Draco tells Lucille, "Lads want to leave immediately. They're already dibbing on what rooms belong to them." 

Lorenzo and Blaise start messing around with Onyx's stuff. My arm starts burning again, and I start scratching it through my sleeve. Lorenzo turns around and sees my arm and smacks my hand, "Stop scratching it," he whispers, and turns back around to Onyx and Blaise. Asshole, let me do what I need to do. 

"Oi, Lovebirds! Can we leave?" Lorenzo interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah" Draco replied. Blaise grabbed Onyx's bag, Lorenzo grabbed mine even though I told him I wasn't fucking weak and I was capable of holding it, and Draco took Lucille's bag. 

We walk out of Lucille and Onyx's dorm, to see kids cheering and excitement because of Winter break. I wish I could enjoy it, but the Dark Mark gets me very aggravated and angry if I don't ignore it, and right now, I couldn't ignore it. It was bothering me and I just wanted to get the bloody cabinet fixed already so I could control it again.

I look over at Lucille and Draco. Draco looks so much happier, he's always been stressed about his life. He has a short ass temper, and bad anxiety so it doesn't even help that he's assigned a task that could possibly kill his girlfriend and friends. 


We finally made it to King's Cross and we had to part ways with Lucille, as she's going to the Burrow. I was excited for her, she got to spend time with her sister, away from danger, and she got to go to the Burrow. I haven't been to the Burrow in years, the last time I went was in 3rd year, right before my mom died. I wish she were still here, but Bellatrix's jealousy got the best of her and she murdered my mom, by driving her insane, then killing her. My father was devastated, but he doesn't know Bellatrix killed her, only I know, my mom had warned me beforehand that she was in danger and that if anything happened, it was Bellatrix. 

Harry and Ron wave at me awkwardly and I smile and wave back. 

"Ah the three dumbos," Blaise jeered.

"I'll see you guys after Christmas, okay?" Lucille assured. I nod and she hugs everyone goodbye. She hugs me before Draco. I've never hugged her before, as I had to hold a 'reputation' for my father. She was warm, I could hug her all day, to be honest, she calmed me down in those few seconds of her hugging me. 

"Be safe, Lucille!" Onyx exclaimed.

"Of course! Arianna, watch Draco for me," She replied, and I nodded, "Bye guys!" We all waved, and I turn to see Draco pouting, even though I was with Lorenzo, that made Draco look hot. I pick up Draco's arm to wave at Lucille and she starts laughing. 

We all turn around and we gather in a circle, I was the only one out of the group who knew how to apparate safely, so they all touched my arm. 

"1...2...wait where's Draco?" I ask and look around to see him kissing Lucille on the forehead, "Draco hurry up! My arm's getting tired!" I yell.

Draco waves to Lucille as she walks towards the Golden Trio, and he turns around and jogs back to us. He holds my wrist. 

"1..2.." and we apparate to the Malfoy Manor. 

I don't know if I'm going to post another one today or tomorrow...we'll see.

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