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hey everyone..

please read my author's note at the end of the story

anyways, enjoy!

Narrator's POV

April 1, 2003

Today was Fred's birthday. He would've been 24 right now. 

It didn't feel right to Arianna.

She wanted him to be here. Here with her. 

It's been 2 years since she last saw him.

2 years since she last saw him smile, or laugh, or hold her children in his arms, and look at them like they were his. 

She'd give anything to bring him back, and hug him for one more day. 

She looked over at Lorenzo. 

He's peacefully sleeping next to her, he has bags under his eyes. Sometimes she'd catch herself wondering if he was right for her, but she knew that they were practically soulmates, and that none of his past choices could change that.

In between them, lied their latest edition to the family.

Sebastian Marvolo Berkshire. 

He was born on October 30, 2001. They weren't expecting to have another child anytime soon, since they had Aurora only 2 years before, but when they found out it was another boy, Arianna and Lorenzo got extremely excited. Lorenzo liked having a daughter more, he says it's "One less talk in the future," meaning, he'll have to tell one less child about sex.

Lorenzo picked the name Sebastian, he said "it's an adorable name." Arianna picked his middle name out. Marvolo, after her father, Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was the only parent who really understood her. Despite how horrible he was, he knew that she was way more like him, and he taught me how to control the 'gifts' that she had. He was a powerful wizard, despite him also begin evil. 

As soon as she gave birth to Sebastian, she and Lorenzo knew he's going to be their last kid. She didn't want the kids to have a large age gap, and Lorenzo agreed. Currently, Zeno is 5 years old, Aurora is 2 years old, and Sebastian is 1. 

Luna and Astoria are Sebastian's Godparents. Arianna chose them, because when she saw a glimpse of Sebastian's future she knew that Luna and Astoria would help him find his own personality, away from Zeno and Aurora. 

When Arianna first held Sebastian, she knew he had a bright future. 

When he goes into Hogwarts, his favorite subject will most likely be Herbology, Neville Longbottom's class. She also senses a lot of negativity in his life, and she saw that people wouldn't understand him as he grew up. 


luna lovegood

I plant new flowers in Astoria and I's garden as she takes care of William, our only son. 

"Astoria and I have been a happy couple for many years now, but I never told her what happened between Arianna and I, and I never plan on telling her," I thought to myself.

It's not a big secret. Astoria's liked people before. I wasn't required to tell her about who I've liked in the past. 

"Nothing serious happened with Arianna and I, it was more of a silly crush. I mean, who wouldn't have a crush on her? She's perfect. Lorenzo doesn't deserve her. I think the only reason they got back together was because of Zeno. Perfect baby Zeno. I haven't told Arianna what I saw in his future. The trauma in his future. I don't plan on telling her either, I must let things unravel. It'll be painful, for Lorenzo and Arianna to hear, considering the same thing happened to them when they were 14, but I must not say anything." 

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