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I was listening to careless whisper (slowed) while writing this lol, enjoy!


Arianna's POV

I had just sent my letter off to Jack, I paced Lorenzo's dorm as he slept peacefully on his bed. I was supposed to go to fix the cabinet, but I couldn't, I knew too much. I haven't been able to sleep, memories started flooding my head, causing nightmares. Even though everytime I close my eyes something traumatic that has happened appears in my thoughts, I decided to try to sleep. I laid down next to Lorenzo, and he put his arm around me and nuzzled his nose on my shoulder. I closed my eyes.

A few minutes go by and I finally fall asleep.

"Just like that, you pathetic slut." 

I couldn't open my eyes, the felt like they were glued shut. I start hyperventilating.

"Wake up," I slurred voice says.

"Wake up!" It repeats again.

I jolt up and try catching my breath.

"What the hell happened?" Lorenzo asks and starts rubbing my back in circular motions.

"I-it's nothing." I say while out of breathe.

I quickly get out of the bed and speed walk to the bathroom. I quickly turn the water on and start rinsing my face.

"Ari, I'm serious, what's going on?" Enzo questions.

I sigh and slowly walk towards him.

"It's nothing really.. I've been so stressed that I've been letting my guard down. My father has been driving me crazy, and bringing up memories. Bad memories. I can't even sleep anymore." Tears started rolling down my cheek.

Enzo quickly walked up to me and cupped my face. He wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I want you to know I love you, I always have and I always will."

"Well, you barely show it anymore," I 'joke,' "I love you too."

We just stare into each others eyes. I'm tired of starting and I quickly kiss him. More of a peck really.

He pulls me back in and starts making out with me. His breathing quickens.

I raise my arms up and he pulls my shirt over me. I then start pulling his shirt over him, and he picks me up.

He then plops me onto his bed and breaks away from my lips. I get on my knees, while I'm still on his bed. While he pulls his pants and boxers down his erection sticks up.

"Are you sure?" He questions.

I nod and as I'm about to start sucking his dick, he pulls my chin up to look at him.

"That's not an answer," he says while holding my chin still.

"Yes, I'm sure." I sternly respond.

I place his erection in my mouth and start bobbing my head forwards and backwards over and over again.

He kept tensing up, and whenever he did I would slow down to tease him.

He pulled my head back and pushed me on my back.

He then put his dick in me slowly, he started thrusting faster and faster.

I couldn't handle his large amount, I covered my mouth trying not to make a noise.

He pulled my hand off of my mouth.

"No, that's what you get for teasing me"  he said with a smirk.

He started thrusting even faster, and I arched my back.

"Fucking hell Lorenzo" I moan.

"You feel so good."

As he continued thrusting he dove down and started kissing my neck, going all the way up to my mouth.

Sweat started dripping from his hair, down his face.

He threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair.

Lorenzo pulled out and I turned around doggy style.

He pulled my hair back with one hand and had his other hand on my waist.

He started pounding on my harder than ever.

Moans and whimpers escaped my mouth, and I reached my wand to cast the muffliato spell on the room, but Lorenzo grabbed my wand out of my hand and threw it across the room.

"Let them hear you"  he sternly said.

"Lorenzo- I'm going to come" I whimper.

"Then fucking come, Riddle," he responded.

He continued thrusting and I came to my climax. Shivers ran through my body.

He continued, and shortly after he came to his climax. He bent over me and I could feel his heart beating fast.

He pulled his limp dick out and plopped himself next to me.

We're both out of breath.

He gets up and puts his grey sweatpants and boxers back on, and he tosses my underwear, bra and a white shirt, and I put them on while sitting down.

He walks over to the bed and sits down, I crawl over to him and straddle him.

"What's wrong," I ask as I plant a peck on his lips.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just sorry for everything you're being put through, and the way I'm acting around Lucille-"

"It's fine Enzo, I promise." He kisses me and lays down while I'm still straddling him.

He just stares at me, and grabs the pillow under him and throws it at my face, then pulls me into a hug, and kisses my forehead over and over again.

"I love you Ari," he whispers into my ear.

"I love you more Enzo," I whisper back.

IM SO MAD I just learned we can't have videos on Wattpad stories UGHH so I have a visual representation of what I mean by he threw a pillow at her and hugged her etc. on my tiktok now, so if you want to see it, go to my tiktok @ariannaberkshire

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