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arianna riddle

8:36 PM

Lorenzo and I were laying down in bed. We were waiting for Draco to return. 

I was laying down on Lorenzo's chest, and he was playing with my hair.

He seems unfocused.

"Is everything alright?" I ask lowly.

"Yeah, why?" 

"You just seem off." 

He didn't respond, and instead he kissed my forehead.

"Draco's back, and he has Lucille with him." I mutter.

"How do you know?"


"Bloody hell, you spend to much time with Luna."


I missed her.

She left the night Lorenzo left. 

She said that she needed to start her life with Astoria. 

I was happy for her, but I really needed her still.


lorenzo berkshire

12:17 AM

I wake up and slowly push Arianna off of me.

I pull the blanket over her and kiss her forehead.

I felt bad.

What happened between Lucille and I, it was consensual, but  it shouldn't have happened. We were both drunk and unstable.

I slowly open the door and leave the room. 

I walk downstairs to the kitchen, and I began pouring myself a cup of tea.

I turn to my left and see Lucille walking towards me.

"Lucille," I whisper, and I set the kettle back down. I slowly walk closer to her, "You shouldn't have come here."

She slowly starts backing up.


"You heard me," I frantically whisper, "You shouldn't have come back!"

"What do you mean? Why not?" She asks.

I sigh and walk closer to her, "Why did you come back so soon? We-" I turn around and walk back to the kitchen island. I start pacing back and forth. I quickly run my fingers through my messy hair, "Fuck's sake, it was a bad idea for you to come back so soon."

"I came back because Draco asked that I come back with him? I don't understand what's not clicking-."

"Lucille-." I slammed my hands on the table, "We fucking slept together and you show up the next day with Draco as if it didn't happen?! Are you fucking mental?"

"Can you not mention it?"

"How am I supposed to not mention it went it was fucking yesterday-"

"Just drop it Enzo-"

"Drop it?! So it meant nothing?"

"That's not what I mean-"

"Surely that's what you mean-"

"Lorenzo please-"

"No!" I yell and throw my hands up.

I aggressively picked up my tea, took a sip, then slammed it back on the table.

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