dark mark

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Y'all I'm sorry for not updating, I logged out of my Wattpad account and I forgot the password, but I got it back! So yeah, enjoy! 

"So where do you want to go next?" Lorenzo questioned. 

"I don't know Enzo." 

"Hey," he says and turns to me and holds my hands, "What's wrong? You've been acting a bit off since we got here," he cups my face, "Do you want to go back to my dorm, we can hang out there?" 

I nod and rub my eyes, "sure, I just don't feel...alright." 

"What's wrong?" 

"I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I'm really dizzy.." I say, and we both turn around to walk back to his dorm. 

"Could it be-" 

"Are you implying that I'm pregnant? If you are, you're completely wrong, I'm not pregnant." I spat, and he throws his hands in the air defensively, "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that rude.." 

"It's fine." 


We finally made it to his dorm, my stomach had already stopped hurting but I didn't say anything. I sit on his bed, and I start aggressively scratching my arm. 

"Stop it." Enzo yells and he smacks my arm. 

"It fucking burns Enzo!" I yell back and push him, "You wouldn't understand." I mumble. 

He sighs, "Just don't fucking scratch the shit out of it, you're making it bleed!" I roll my eyes and lay down. 

Only Lorenzo and Draco knew I had the dark mark, Draco had one as well, I don't know if Enzo knows that Draco has it, but I think he just assumes it. Either way, it wouldn't be an incorrect assumption. 

FLASHBACK (Summer before 6th year)

"Draco.. Arianna come downstairs."  Lucius yells from downstairs. 

Draco and I walk downstairs, holding hands, slowly. 

"Ah, there you are." My father says and walks over to pull me closer to everyone. 

I look at Draco and he mouths, "relax." He already knows my heart is pounding out of my chest. 

"Everyone...this is my daughter, Arianna Riddle." He shows me off to the Death Eaters and I'm smiling, trying not to show that I'm terrified.  

Lucius pulls Draco closer to him. 

Voldemort pulls my hand and pushes my sleeve up and starts putting the dark mark on my left arm. I start screaming in agony and Draco attempts to pull me away but Lucius pulls him back and holds his arm behind him. 

"Stop! You're hurting her!" He yells, his voice was shaky. 

He finally finishes and I stop screaming and I fall to the floor, on my knees and the dark mark is burning. Lucius releases Draco and Draco runs up to me and hold me. He's always been protective of me. "It's going to be okay." He whispers in my ear and hugs me. 

"You're next," my father seethes and pulls Draco up by his collar, and lifts his sleeve up and starts putting the Dark Mark on his left arm, Draco starts screaming. Lorenzo was probably terrified, he was in Draco's room. We told him to wait in there until my dad left, because we didn't want him to get a Dark Mark, he was too soft to be a death eater. 


"Are you okay?" Enzo asks and snaps me out of my thoughts. 

"Y-yeah. When you asked if I wanted kids, I don't think I want any, I don't want my kids to have a parent who's a bloody death eater." 

He just stared at me confused. 

"I'm going to go," I say, stopping the silence, and I quickly open the door and leave to my dorm. He doesn't understand. No one will understand. No one, but Draco. He's probably shagging Lucille right now, and I don't want to walk in on that. 


I walk over to the Room of Requirement and start fixing the Cabinet, once again. Then, someone opens the door and quickly walks over to me. It's just Snape. 

"How is it-" Before he could finish his sentence his looks around me, "Where's Draco?" 

I shrug. 

"Follow me, we'll be looking for him.." He says slowly. 


"Follow...me...Miss Riddle." He turns and ushers me to walk in front of him to leave. 

There's barely anyone out in the hallways and we hear talking near the Slytherin Common Room. 

Snape quickens his pace and crosses his arms. We see Draco and Lucille together, he kisses her and whispers to her then walks to us quickly, and we turn right to go back to the Room of Requirement. 

Draco turns his head and whispers to me, "Did you fucking tell on me?" 

I give him a confused look, "No, I was fixing the cabinet, Snape asked where you were and I said that I didn't know and he told me to follow him. That's all. Plus, you need to sort out your priorities, she shouldn't be your first right now." I whisper back.

"Yeah, well she is my first priority." 

"You're making dumbass decisions right now Draco. If you don't fix this fucking cabinet you'll be considered a traitor, and he'll kill you...and Lucille, and I won't stop him." I whisper and walk faster. 

Draco just looks at me like he's been betrayed. It's the truth, my father would kill Lucille if he finds out that Draco is being distracted by her. If anyone interferes with his plan, he'll do anything to stop them. That's why I try not let Lorenzo distract me, I wonder what he's doing. I haven't talk to him in over 5 hours. 

We make it to the Room of Requirement and start fixing the cabinet. Snape told us, that because we were late on fixing it, that we'll stay even later tonight.

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