Granger's Parents

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"So, everyone should be here, right?" Viviane's husband, (Insert random name I cannot be bothered to search, just put some generic white name idk) asked the family.

"Technically there's also Hermione," one of the kids say whilst eating candy, they then waved their hand, "though she would most likely not come, I bet."

"I'll take that bet," a voice coming from the door.

Everyone turned to the place of the voice.

It turned out to be the one and only Mr. Granger (nah I'm kidding it's called the GRANGER reunion for a good reason), as in Hermione's dad, papa, baba, pere, whatever it is you want to call it. Hermione's father, or as the name that was given to him at birth, Claus. A nickname for Menelaus, honestly, since the name itself was wordy and kinda hard to pronounce.

Claus was standing there with his wife near the entrance of the building. They probably had just came in. They looked like they usually do each time they see them, yet on a closer look it seemed quite different, though on what is not clear to anyone judging by the looks of poorly concealed confusion on their faces. Quite a spectacle I assume, SINCE I CAN'T FOR THE LIFE OF ME SHIFT

It seems that the Grangers, minus Hermione's parents, had put the issue on the backburner for a bit because one of them, it seems like Viviane's husband, but who am I too say, said, "Hey, you can't take bats if you know the outcome."

Hearing that statement, Shayla quickly put her two-cents in (Is it really the saying? Ain't an American). Stating that they always make the bet every year, it's just that Hermione really has never come, yeah that's not exactly what she said word to word, but the way she phrased it, it would probably not be really polite.

After Shayla finished that statement, she felt a pain on the thigh. Her mother had hit her, discreetly- well, that's what she thinks. Viviane really is tired today. She thought she might have had a chance at an actual vacation, but no. Her family couldn't behave at all. 

It was quite for a few minutes after that, until Claus asked the question that had been nagging at his mind for awhile

"Why are we all outside and not in our respective rooms?" he asked innocently. Too innocently.

But of course tired of everything, Viviane curtly responded, "Because someone changed the way we could register ourselves in and well we could've been waiting inside. Had there not been any disturbance caused by us."  she glared at the children on the last sentence.

All the parents actually also started glaring at the kids, as if they weren't partly to blame either for their ignorance or anything. At this Viviane mentally rolled her eyes.

Well, looks like we're still gonna be waiting for awhile

I love how my writing style changed from poised and calm to enraged and slightly tipsy, but let's be honest. Both are kinda great, though I should get back to my old way of writing.

Also quite sorry for not updating I kinda...lost motivation and quite a lot. Had there not been a comment from @Dramione-is_life I probably wouldn't have updated at all. So thanks to you. And I'm going to try and update regularly, though no promises.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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