The Plan

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Draco sat in his office contemplating the exact moment his wife became more Slytherin than him. He was more amazed than shock really, but given what she and her friends were up to before they got together he thought  that it should've been obvious. But still, a guy can be amazed right?

After the events of that morning his wife called in his mother to help her find a dress to wear for the reunion. And she set up everything at the hotel after she dropped the kids at  school.

Draco remembered when he and Hermione made the decision that their kids should at least learn basic subjects like math, science, and literature. Because how did she put it "No child of mine will make horrid essays that are barely legible." And being the good husband he is he just stood by and agreed.

Currently, he is in his office doing his work as the CEO of his own company Malfoy Enterprises. This company was usually a magic strict company, but when he stepped up he expanded it to the muggle world as well. Partly, because of his wife and the other was because of the money since the wizarding world was depleting in numbers he needed a new place to market so the muggle biz it is.

He was basically just signing anything his secretary asked him to because everything has already been audited and reviewed by the others and they only needed his signatures. So he just continued signing papers until there was a knock on the door. A handsome man entered the room bearing a large grin on his face.

"Blaise!" I greeted him jovially.

"Hey Drake, whatcha doin?" He asked even though it was quite obvious.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked a bit annoyed. At the tone of my voice my best friend brought his hand up to his heart and feigned hurt.

"Ouch dude, I'm just trying to start a conversation. Why are you so pissy today?" I snorted at that.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because my wife's family wants to set me up with my wife's cousin perhaps?" The sarcasm practically oozing out of my voice. "But, enough of my day what's happening with you? You're glowing like a fairy with that huge grin of yours."

"Aww come on Dray, you know I can't stand not knowing the newest gossip in town. Tell me more." His eyes alight with mischief.

So he does, he tells his best friend the whole story. And when he was done his friend gave a low whistle.

"Well, what're you gonna do now?" He asked. I shrugged and mumbled something unintelligible, too bad he heard. He asked me what I said.

I said, "My wife is coming up with a plan, though I don't know what it's about." I gave a sigh and leaned back on my seat.

Blaise suddenly errupted in laughter. "I can't believe the GRYFFINDOR Princess is the one whose making the plan not the Slytherin Prince. Man, you've lost your touch." He exclaimed wheezing.

"I have not!" I said back defensively. But, in my heart I was actually really proud of my wife for coming up with a plan to spite her family. Now, just what that plan entitled he didn't know.

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