Well, Hello There

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A/N Ok y'all first up. Sorry for taking so long I kept getting sick. No idea how, why, or what, but I'm better now. I think. Who cares? Then I kept delaying this part and then my family went on vacation and well yeah.... Bali is beautiful.

Second of all, I forgot the story. Since mine doesn't really follow the whole usual plot -well, it does but like not- yknow what I mean lah. So I had to keep rechecking everything.

Either way. Sorry and please leave a comment I'd really appreciate someone to talk to. Socially deprived cause of Miss Rona and all that.


Shayla heard a light cough coming from the direction of the reception desk. She quickly turned back to the receptionist a bit bewildered from recent events and maybe a bit winded from recent events. You can't blame her, I mean have you seen Narcissa? 

Ok back to the story

The receptionist was smirking a bit, though Shayla wouldn't have noticed since- well, she wasn't really all there, was she?- Either way, the faux coughing was enough to snap her out, but not enough to keep her here 100%. But that was enough for the blonde girl, so she said what needed to be said.

"Yes, Ms. there was no name left for reference." she said.

Shayla threw her head back and groaned, took a deep breath. Then looked to the blonde receptionist again and asked, "Well, what am I supposed to do then?"

"Well, it should be alright for you to wait out there or maybe inside the lobby, as long as you don't make a fuss."



"Hey! Stop that- No give it back" Shayla shouted.

Her cousin, John, stuck his tongue out and ran away from her. 


John was now poking Patricia's cheek. It was a wonder she hasn't-

"I swear if you don't stop in 3," Welp, everyone has their limits. Even the most reserved one in the family. Though usually the most quiet ones are the most dangerous ones.


John though.... was young and still very, very naive. Shayla took a seat back and made herself comfortable to enjoy the following show, not at all tempted to warn her cousin about her sister. Why? Cause revenge is deathly sweet.


Patricia's eyes snapped open.

(In which the author does not know how to do a countdown scene; please tell me how it is supposed to be done)


They were outside now. For, obvious reasons (Try reading the last sentence in Snape's voice)

When Viviane notices another part of the Granger family has arrived. Namely the Swans. 

Or one Swan, a former one and a current, what was the name? Oh she can't seem to remember, it started with a C. Co- Cook was it? No, it bloody wasn't. C- Collins? Meh, close enough.

Either way, they were approaching and quite fast at that. Wait has Bells been that pale since she was little? No, she had a more sun-kissed tan if Viviane could remember anything about her. Narrowing her eyes at them, she vowed to keep a close eye on her nieces family. Even though, they barely knew each other, Family always came first, that's been what Viviane has been taught all her life. So, she'll keep a close eye on them, but until then she can't act too suspicious.

But for now, let's just keep playing.

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