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I swear I have never given Slytherin House the praises that it so deserves.

My in-laws and I schemed, planned, whatever you want to call it, for hours on end, so that every little step is accounted for. They wouldn't let me go until everything was perfect in their eyes. When everything was perfect, we realized that we've been at this for the whole day.

"Well, time does fly when you're planning your enemy's downfall." Lucius shrugged. I kid you not, my head turned so fast that I got whiplashed. And you know what was crazier?

Narcissa turned to me with a confused look on her face and asked, "What? It's true isn't it."

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, trying to say something. Yet, I came up empty. Cause, well, they were right. Time did fly by and now I should practice caution with Slytherins more often. It's around 5 p.m. now...

It's 5 p.m. The kids! Oh gosh! Oh gosh!! 

I quickly said my goodbyes to Lucius and Narcissa, promising that I will bring the family here more often. Now of to the kids, I apparated to the apparition point nearest to the school. When I got there I got a phone call, yes we finally got phones to work, it was from Draco.

I hurriedly accepted it and put the phone near my ear.

"Yes, darling?"

"Um Mya... where are you?"

"Near the kids' school." I cringed whiled saying that.

"Figured. I took the kids out of school already, love. We're all waiting for you at home." I stopped walking, I sigh a sigh of exasperation and relief.

"...Ok, that's good. I'll be home in a jiff." I hung up and apparated back to my house.

I walked into the living room and the first thing I see is my husband sprawled across the sofa. Reading a book. My book. That I haven't finished...

"Tell me you didn't take out my bookmark." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Let me tell you when he looked scared, believe me. His eyes widened so much that I thought they were gonna pop out and you know what he did? He scrambled to stand and in the process he dropped my book.

Deep breaths, close your eyes. Deep breaths

"Did you just....drop my book?" I slowly opened my eyes and looked him in the eyes.

He resembled a deer caught in headlights.

"De-dear, u-um that.. that was a-an acci-accident." He took deliberate steps backwards.

I followed.

"U-um, wha- what are you do-doing?" I backed him up into the wall.

I smirked, and said one word, "Payback," I proceeded to tickle him. He laughed and laughed until there was no sound coming out.

"Sto-stop tickling me!" He shouted between his laughter. He looks so happy. The way his nose crinkled, his hair glistened. I wish I could take a picture of him like this and keep him happy all the time.

I didn't realize I stopped moving. I only did because Draco put his arms around me.

"Stop thinking, love. You're here and you're alright. You're safe with me and our family."

I looked to see my husband with a worried look on his face. I put a smile on my face, unspoken words flow between us. He doesn't say anything he just hugs me tighter.

I'll cherish these moments forever.

A/N So when I read Reunion's like these it's always just the spite, they never really talked about the PTSD or any type of mental illnesses that ofc will come with FIGHTING A WAR, so I thought it'd be a nice change.

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