The Invitation

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It was a pleasant morning in London. But one of the houses there was in a chaotic mess. It was none other than the Malfoy household.

"Estella! Come on down or you won't get breakfast!" shouted a beautiful woman with curly dark brown hair. Yes she was the one and the only, Hermione Granger...well now Malfoy, but still a Granger by birth.

"Love, give her some time. She's just trying to tame her hair, which mind you she got from you," said Draco Malfoy to his dear wife. He was currently sorting through the mail, when one letter caught his attention.

How could it not?

It was pink in color. Scented. And rather dodgy looking if he were to be honest.

Cautiously, he opened the letter, praying that it didn't contain a love potion or anything poisonous. It was a big surprise when he read it.
It read:

You are cordially invited to the Granger Reunion

The time and place to meet is the 2nd weekend of June at the Stella Clarissima Hotel

We do hope that you will make an appearance


Shayla Granger

Draco was floored. Well, why wouldn't he be? Practically no one knew that they were married, he made sure of it and now someone is inviting him to his wife's reunion?

Not knowing what to do, he stood up and walked to his wife, who was in the middle of braiding their daughters hair. She looked up and asked what the matter was. And he just handed her the letter too stunned to say anything.

She glanced at the letter he was holding and her faced turned into one of absolute horror. It was quite funny really and if it weren't for the fact that they're marriage might be leaked to the media he would've laughed his arse off.

"They sent you a letter?! Why?" She shrieked.

"I don't know too. Wait, how do you know what letter this is?" He replied.

"They sent me one too and well... it's got the signature pink, scented letter they usually give out." She said with a shudder.

"You got one too?" He clarified. His mind working at maximum speed. "Does that mean that they just mailed me one for fun?" He asked incredulously.

She blinked. Once. Twice.

Suddenly, she started laughing. Draco thought his wife was starting on the road of insanity.

"They really did that, didn't they? Well, I guess you're gonna attend then." She said while gasping for air.

He looked at her with a questioning glance. She turned to him and uttered these 6 words, "This is going to be fun."

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