The Crash

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<Late afternoon>
[In a nearby park]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a lovely afternoon in Newcastle. In a nearby park, Anthony McPartlin and his Mam Christine was having a lovely walk and having a good catch up since Ant was up for few days whilst his partner was away with with her two daughters.
"What a lovely afternoon we've had, a good mother and son catch up. Don't you think Anthony?" Christine asked her son.
"Yeah I agree Mam." Ant happily replied while putting his arm over his mother.
The two of them then laughed and carried on walking.
"Did I tell you son? Annie might be coming over this week for catch up." Christine then said.
"No Mam, you didn't. Does that mean I have to go over Sarha's while you two ladies have your mother chat?" Ant jokingly asked.
"No Anthony, it doesn't. You cheeky boy.", Christine chuckled, "She's coming over to see the both of us. Annie really wants to see you."
"I know that Mam, I was just messing with ya. I'm actually looking forward to seen her too." Alan kindly said.
"That's good then.", replied Christine.
The two of them then started to head back to the car park with Ant still having his arm over his mother.
[in the car park]
Once the two of them were in the car park. Ant was just about to get to his keys till suddenly both he and Christine heard a screeching of car.
There the both of them saw a car being driven wildly by a young driver who seemed to be drunk. Suddenly out of the corner of Ant's eye, he saw a young toddler girl run out from her parents hands and the car was heading straight for her. Without thinking, Ant quickly ran out and push the little girl away till suddenly.
Ant ended up being hit by the speeding car, went flying in the air and landed on his back. Christine, who was in shock, quickly ran over him and began saying.
Christine then felt for her son's pulse which was there but was very slow and his breathing was shallow. Christine was relieved that her son was still breathing but was shocked to see the state he was in. Ant's right leg was broken and had blood coming out from the side of his head. Just then Christine heard someone shouting.
It was the child's mother who shouted whilst holding the crying toddler. The father then got his phone out and rang for the emergency services. Whilst still on the phone to them, the father quickly rushed over to Christine and quickly asked.
"Excuse miss, is your son still breathing? How badly injured is he?"
"Yes he is still breathing but his pulse is really slow and I think there's something wrong with his leg." Christine tearfully answered.
Once the father passed the information to the caller, he then came off the phone and turned to Christine and his wife saying.
"Two ambulances are on their way to us now."
The two women were relieved but suddenly a few people started come over and were saying.
"Isn't that Ant McPartlin?"
"Is he dead?"
"Least he didn't cause this accident?"
Hearing what the people saying, started to upset Christine but before she could say anything, the father turned to them and said.
"Haven't you people got anything better to do then start saying bad things about this man who've just saved my daughter's life? It had haven't been for him, my baby would be the one severely injured from that car. If you're looking someone to blame, then blame the driver of that car."
When he was finished, the public remained quiet. As for Christine, who was applying pressure to Ant's head using her scarf, she smiled at the man and sadly but gratefully whispered.
"Thank you so much."
"It's least I can do for you and your son, he saved our daughters life. He's a hero." The father gratefully replied.
Just then, the ambulances arrived. While two paramedics went to check the toddler, two other paramedics come over to Ant and the one asked.
"Are you this man's mother miss?"
"Yes, yes, I am. Please just help my son. Please?" Christine sadly begged.
"Don't worry Miss, we will." The paramedic replied.
<couple minutes later>
Soon as the paramedics got Ant onto a stretcher, they then put him on a trolley and loaded him on the ambulance.
[in the ambulance]
While on the journey to hospital, Christine was holding Ants hand and tearfully saying.
"Stay with me Anthony please. Stay with me son."

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