Ant going to need all of us.

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<few seconds later>
[in the corridor]
(Third person P. O. V)
When Anne, Christine and Dec came out of Ant's room and into the corridor, they saw a man and woman arguing with a nurse.
"What's going out here?", questioned Christine.
"I'm terribly sorry Mrs McPartlin, but this two came busting in demanding to see Mr McPartlin and we already told them that they can't." The nurse explained.
Before Christine or Dec could say anything, the man looked straight at Christine and angrily said.
"So you're Ant McPartlin's mother, are you? Well, thanks to your son, our son might be going to prison."
"Well serves him right. He should be punished for the harm he's caused to my son and for his reckless driving." Christine argued back.
"Oh he should be punished, should he? Well, your son wasn't punished when he was arrested for his drunk driving incident, was he?" The father spat back.
"No all he got has ban and fine. Made a silly speech to the tv saying how sorry he was.", said the mother.
In that moment, Dec started to get really angry at what the parents were saying about Ant's drunk driving ban and upsetting Christine who was now in tears. So he held his head up high, walked up to the father and very angrily said.
"Now you listen here mate. I don't know who you or your wife think you are but how dare you to come in here and upset my mate's mother. There's a difference between your son's drunk driving and Ant's, do you wanna why? Ant wasn't in his right mind when he had incident, he was ill and felt very bad about what he did and had to take time off to battle his demons. Your son however, was driving around a car park, completely intoxicated and do you want to know something else. He wasn't meant to hit Ant, he was about to hit a toddler to ran out of her parents reach, Ant decided to save that child but take the hit himself and now he's in a coma due injuries he sustained from that hit. Now if you haven't got anything else to say, I suggest the both of you should go and leave me, my mum and Ant's mum in peace before I smash your face in!"
When Dec was finished, Anne approached him, place her hands on his shoulders and gently pulled him away from the father. She then turned to the father and mother and sternly said.
"You both heard my son. You both should leave but before you do, have a look through that window and see what your son has done to poor Anthony."
Both Anne and Dec went back to Christine, the parents were both escorted by two security guards. As soon as they left, the nurse went up to Christine, Anne and Dec and gently said.
"I'm so, so, so sorry Mrs McPartlin, Mrs Donnelly and Mr Donnelly. We'll make sure that they won't come back and cause more trouble for you again."
"Thank you nurse." They all replied.
Once the nurse left, Anne placed her hand on Dec's shoulder and gently asked.
"You ok Decky?"
"I am now Mam. I'm sorry Christine, I didn't mean to let my anger out like that." Dec began saying.
"Don't apologise Dec. I'm glad that you stood up to that man because I didn't have the courage to do it. Ant would be very proud of you for sticking up for him like that." Christine proudly replied.
Christine and Dec the hugged each other. When they were done hugging, Anne suggested that they all get a cup of tea and that Dec should stay with Ant. Dec agreed since he was in no mood to argue with his mother. So after Christine and Anne left, Dec went back in to Ant.
[Back in Ant's room]
(Dec's P. O. V)
As I quietly sat back down on my chair, I gently brought it forward a bit to closer to Ant's bed. After moving my chair, I then leaned forward and held Ant's hand.
"Hey mate, I'm still here. I'm sorry about the row outside. I just couldn't help it. Seen and hearing what that kid's father and mother were saying to your mum and upsetting her, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. So I went all Scrappy Doo on the both of them." I quietly explained to him with a chuckle.
I then gave out a sad sigh. I looked right at Ant's face and felt my eyes starting to well up with tears again. As my tears started to fall down my face, I gently brought Ant's hand to my cheek and gently but tearfully said.
"Ant, please get well soon. Your family need you, Anne-Marie needs you, Ali and Isla need you but more importantly, I need you. You mean everything to me mate. I almost lost you once, I don't want to lose you again. Please come back to me soon Ant, I'm going to right here waiting for you to wake up. I promise."
When I was finished, I gently got on the side of the bed and gave Ant a sideways hug whilst minding the tubes he was hooked onto. I then laid my head on his shoulder and feel asleep.
<few minutes later>
(Third person P. O. V)
When Christine and Anne got back from getting their teas and saw Dec sleeping by Ant's side on the bed. They both smiled.
"Let him sleep.", Anne whispered, "he looks so peaceful."
"Wasn't even planning on waking him." Christine whispered back.
Anne then placed some of Ant's bed sheet and blanket over Dec and gently placed a kiss on the top of his head. After Christine placed a kiss on Ant's forehead, the two mothers quietly left.
[outside the room]
As soon they went outside, Christine began crying again and tearfully said.
"Oh Anne, I don't know how I'm going to cope? My poor Anthony is in coma and we don't know when he's going to wake up."
"Hey, don't worry Christine. You nor Sarha and Emma are going to cope with this on your on because I'm going to be here for you and so is Ali and of course, Declan. We're all family and we're all going to be here Anthony for when he wakes up and during his recovery. Ok?" Anne supportively asked.
"Ok." Christine whispered.
The two mothers then hugged each other and then looked at Ant through the window.

Ant's coma Where stories live. Discover now