I'm going to help take care of you

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<next morning>
[In Ant's hospital room]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a peaceful morning, Ant and Dec were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Dec was starting to wake up and so was Ant. When they did finally wake up, they both looked at each other's faces and smiled.
"Morning." Dec said.
"Morning." Ant replied back.
Dec then got off the bed and started stretching out his muscles while Ant moved fully on the bed whilst minding his leg.
"How are you feeling?" Ant kindly asked.
"You're the invalid, I should be asking you that." Dec kindly remarked as he sat on the side of the bed.
"I'm only asking because you looked really tired last night." Ant then said.
"I'm fine now, I'll admit I haven't been sleeping properly during this month while you've been here but I'm lot better now I've finally had a good nights sleep. Enough about me, how are you feeling?" Dec kindly but worriedly asked.
Ant was about to lie but looking at Dec's worrying face, he changed his mind and decided to be truthful. So he truthfully and honestly said.
"Horrible. I feel like I've been hit by a truck now I'm fully awake. I've got a terrible headache and my whole body hurts."
"No surprise, you did take quite a beating from that car." Dec kindly added.
"How bad was I when you first came to see me with our mams?" Ant then asked.
"I'm not going to lie you mate. You were really bad. You were white as the bed sheets, had stitches where your head injury was, tubes in your mouth and Iv lines in your arm. You were in a very bad state. Your mam was in tears and so was my mam, as for me, I was just shocked." Dec honestly replied.
After hearing what Dec was saying, Ant was shocked. He then started to have tears forming in his eyes which Dec didn't fail to see.
"Aww Ant, don't cry. It wasn't your fault that you was in that state, you were just really poorly and badly injured from the hit." Dec comforted as he placed his hand on Ant's cheek and used his thumb to wipe away Ant's tears.
Ant then went into a full crying fit but was pulled in a hug by Dec who was gently saying.
"It's ok mate, you can let it out."
After a few minutes, Ant started to calm down but started to feel pain in his ribs. So he painfully said.
"Dec, as much as I love this hug. Can we stop now? My ribs are hurting."
Dec did what he was asked and let Ant go.
"Sorry Ant, I forgot about your broken ribs." Dec quickly apologised.
"It's alright." Ant gasped as he caught his breath back.
Just then, Ant's doctor came in and kindly greeted.
"Good morning Mr McPartlin, Mr Donnelly. How are you both feeling today?"
"Good morning Doctor, I'm feeling much better now." Dec honestly replied.
"That's good to hear Mr Donnelly. What about you Mr McPartlin?" The Doctor asked again.
"Not too good." Ant honestly replied.
The Doctor then checked Ant over whilst Dec stood and watched. After she was done, Doctor Brown then happily said.
"Well Mr McPartlin, I can happily say that you're almost on the mend but I would like to keep you in just till your body is completely healed and you're able to get around with your leg."
"Will he need plenty of care when he comes home Doctor Brown?" Dec inquired.
Ant didn't like that question but before he could say anything. Doctor Brown replied.
"Yes he will Mr Donnelly. I assuming that you're going to be helping to take care of him. Correct?"
"Yes Doctor, I will be." Dec happily replied.
As soon as Doctor Brown left, Dec turned to Ant who was given him a worried look and saying.
"Dec, you don't need to help taking care of me. Anne Marie, my Mam and my sisters can help but not you."
Dec knew this was coming. He then sat on the side of the bed, told Ant to be quiet and sternly but lovingly said.
"Now you listen to me Anthony McPartlin. I'm going to help take care of you and there nothing you can do to stop me because my mind is already made up and I'll tell you why. Throughout all the years we've been friends, you've always taken care of me. Even when we were flat mates, you always took care of me when I was ill or had a really bad hangover. I always grateful for that and never had the chance of taking care of you especially when you had your breakdown which by the way still forgiven for. So I've decided I'm helping to care of you and I don't care what you say. I want to do it right this time."
After Dec was finished, Ant was speechless. He looked right into the eyes of his best friend and saw how serious he was about taking care of him. So whilst having fresh tears coming down his face, Ant whispered.
Dec smiled and gently pulled Ant into a hug. As they were hugging, Ant cried into Dec's neck and Dec was comforting him by rubbing his back and lovingly whispering.
"It's ok mate. It's ok. I'm here."
"I'm sorry Dec. I'm sorry." Ant sobbed.
"Don't be mate. Just accept that I'm taking care of you for a change." Dec supportively replied.
The two of them then carried on hugging with Dec starting to crying himself but had Ant comforting him as well.

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