The shocking news

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<few hours later>
[At the hospital]
Soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Ant was rushed into A and E whilst the toddler was taken to cubicles. Christine was taken to the relatives waiting room.
[in the relatives room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Christine was sitting on one of the sofas and was anxiously worrying and waiting for news on Ant's condition. Just then Emma, Sarha and Anne came in and all comforted her.
"Christine, I'm so sorry pet." Annie sweetly said.
"What happened Mam? How badly hurt is he?", said Sarha worriedly.
Christine couldn't say anything and just burst into tears. Annie put her arms around her and told both Sarha and Emma to get tea for the four of them. Once they both left, Annie and Christine sat back down.
"Christine, tell me what happened and do take your time." Anne quietly said.
"Oh Anne, it was horrible.", Christine sobbed, "it was like history repeating itself only this time. Anthony the victim."
Christine properly bust into a full cry but was comforted and cooed by Anne who was gently saying.
"It's alright pet, you have a good cry. I'd be the same as you if it was Declan or any other of my kids."
"Thanks Anne." Christine whispered.
After a few minutes, Christine started to calm down but was still bit sniffly. Suddenly, a policewoman came and politely asked.
"Excuse me but which one of you is Mrs McPartlin?"
"I am." Christine sadly answered.
"I'm Mrs Donnelly, I'm a friend." Anne kindly said.
"Nice to meet you. Mrs McPartlin, I was hoping to get your statement about what happened at the incident, if you're feeling up to it?" The policewoman kindly asked.
"Of course but only if Anne stays?" Christine pleadingly asked.
"Of course, if that's ok with you Mrs Donnelly?", asked the policewoman.
"Of course it is, I'm not going anywhere." Anne replied.
"Ok. So Mrs McPartlin, tell me in your version about incident and please do take your time?" The policewoman kindly asked.
Christine took a deep breathe and slowly but sadly said.
"Anthony and I were heading back to his car till the both of us heard the car speeding in the park, the driver looked like he'd been drinking and was quite young. Anthony saw a little girl walk out onto the road and the car was heading towards her so he quickly ran out and push the child away but ended up getting hit by the car himself."
When she was finished, Christine ended up crying again but got comforted again by Annie who was in tears herself. The policewoman then held Christines hand and kindly said.
"Thank you Mrs McPartlin, you were really helpful."
"So what's going to happen now to that driver who caused the incident?", asked Anne.
"Not to worry Mrs Donnelly, the driver is quite known to us and now I've got both the child's parents statement and your statement Mrs McPartlin. We'll certainly make sure the driver gets what he deserves." The policewoman politely answered.
"I certainly hope so. He should be punished for causing this much upset." Annethen said.
The policewoman then got up and kindly left. Soon as she left, Sarha and Emma came in and were both shocked after hearing Christine's statement of the incident.
"Mum, please tell me you're joking about what happened?" Sarha shockingly asked.
"Did Ant really save that little girl?", asked Emma.
"I'm so sorry Sarha but it's true about what happened and yes Emma, Anthony really did save that little girl." Christine truthfully replied.
Before anyone could say anything else, a male doctor came in and kindly asked.
"Excuse me but which one of you is Mr McPartlin's mother?"
"I am.", answered Christine.
"We're his sisters.", said both Sarha and Emma.
"I'm Mrs Donnelly, I'm a friend.", said Anne.
"Nice to meet you, I'm sure." The Doctor replied.
"Please us tell how my son is Doctor? How badly hurt is he?" Christine sadly but pleadingly asked.
"I'm very so sorry to tell you this Mrs McPartlin but I'm afraid your son has sustained multiple injuries from the incident." The Doctor unhappily answered.
"What kind of injuries?" Sarha asked.
"Mr McPartlin has sustained a fractured dislocation of the right leg, several broken ribs which caused a puncture in one of his lungs, minor head injury which we've managed to stop the bleeding and some internal injuries. We've just now sent him to surgery. I'll let you how your son is afterwards." The doctor kindly said.
After the doctor left, both Sarha and Emma sat down on the other sofa and both they and Anne were speechless whereas Christine start crying again.
"My poor Anthony." Christine sobbed.
"How are we going to tell Anne Marie about this?", asked Emma.
"How am I going to tell Declan and Ali? They're going to be devastated especially Declan." Anne sadly said whilst hugging Christine.
"Let's just wait till after Ant's surgery. We'll decide then on how tell them.", said Sarha.
The four women agreed and waited anxiously for news on Ant's surgery.
<few hours later>
It was early in the evening and the four ladies were still waiting on a update of Ant's surgery. During that time, Emma and Sarha made calls to their partners and Anne and Christine had fallen asleep.
Just then, a surgeon came into the room, both Anne and Christine woke up and Emma and Sarha came back in.
"How's my son? Is he ok?" Christine pleadingly asked.
"We've managed to mend all of your son's internal injuries and his leg but I'm afraid due to the injuries your son has sustained, he's now in a coma. I'm so very sorry Mrs McPartlin." The surgeon sadly answered.
After hearing what the surgeon said, all four women were speechless.
"How long will he be in it?" Sarha sadly asked.
"We're not sure yet. I'm so very sorry for you all." The surgeon apologised.
When the surgeon was finished, Christine, Anne, Sarha and Emma were all crying over Ant's condition.

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