I knew you come back Ant

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<few minutes later>
[in the corridor]
(Third person P. O. V)
Dec was waiting outside Ant's room whilst Ant was getting checked by the doctor. He'd already called Ali and Christine about Ant waking up and they were over the moon. Ali told Dec that she'll let Anne Marie know and Christine also told him that she'll let Sarha and Emma know as well.
Just then Ant's doctor came out and Dec quickly started asking.
"Is he ok Doctor? Please tell he's ok?"
"Calm down Mr Donnelly. No need to get excited." The doctor kindly replied whilst chuckling.
"I'm sorry, it's just I'm so happy that Ant awake but also worried." Dec honestly said.
"There's no need to be worried Mr Donnelly. Your friend is completely ok, a bit groggy but it's normal after been unconscious for so long. Other than that, he's ok." The Doctor politely informed.
Dec gave out a sigh of relief and smiled over hearing the news about Ant. After thanking the doctor, Dec quietly went back in to see Ant.
[In Ant's room]
(Dec's P. O. V)
Once I came in, I immediately heard Ant saying in a very weak voice.
"Wondering what was taking you so long."
I immediately then went up to his side and gently hugged him whilst whispering in his ear.
"You have no idea how much I've been waiting to do this."
Ant returned the hug. After we hugged, I sat on the side of the bed, held Ant's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze whilst happily saying.
"I knew you come back."
"Thanks to you and everyone else. Can't believe I've been out for over a month." Ant replied.
"Ant, I don't want to put too much pressure on you when I ask you this but if you're not ready to tell me, I don't mind." I slowly started saying.
Ant stopped me by asking.
"You want to know what happened from my point of view, don't you?"
I nodded. Ant sighed but strongly said.
"I don't mind telling you Dec but you may have to bear it mind, I don't remember much about it."
"That's ok pet, just tell me what you can remember." I reassuringly said.
Ant smiled a bit and then gently said.
"I remember walking to my car with Mam and it was then I heard the car speeding in the car park. When I saw it coming towards the little girl, I couldn't let her get hit so I pushed her out of the way and took the hit myself. I'm sorry mate." Ant sadly but apologetic explained.
After he was finished, Ant had tears falling down his face. It was then I noticed a look in Ant eyes, look I saw before which made me shock
"Aww Ant, please don't tell me you had a flashback?" I gently asked.
Ant nodded and carried on having tears coming from his eyes. I felt bad for him and hated seeing him in this state. It was then I remembered the argument I had with the parents of the kid who hit him and that gave me an idea.
"Hey mate, I've got a something to tell you  that's going to put a smile on your face." I said with a cheeky smile.
"What's that?" Ant asked.
"I may have had a scrappy doo moment when I first came to visit you with our mothers." I began saying to him.
"Oh Dec, who do you have a scrappy doo moment with?" Ant worriedly asked me.
"Don't worry it wasn't your doctor or any of the nurses, it was the parents of the kid driver who ran you over." I gently reassuringly said to him.
Ant then gave me a confused look. I then explained to him everything that had happened during that day when I had that argument with the parents and why I did it. After I was finished explaining, Ant started laughing and smiling.
"I knew that would cheer you up. You hate it when you miss the opportunity of seeing me lose my temper." I happily said.
"Oh man, I can't believe you had a row with those parents whilst visiting me with our Mams." Ant laughed.
"I was actually glad that my Mam was there to calm me down because I was close to smashing that man's face in." I honestly said whilst starting to laugh myself.
After we stopped laughing, both Ant and I were yawning. Ant noticed how tired I looked and gently said.
"You sound like you haven't been sleeping properly Kidda."
"I haven't. Just been so worried about you." I admittedly replied.
It was in that moment, Ant gently moved to the side of the bed for me to lay down next to him. So after I took my shoes off, I climbed on the bed and laid next to Ant whilst minding his leg. He then put his arms around me and I did same back to him with my arms.
"You have no idea how glad I am to be back in your arms." I happily whispered to Ant.
"I can already tell kidda." Ant whispered back whilst kissing the top of my head.
The two of us slowly but happily went to sleep, finally back in each other arms.

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