He didn't want to hurt you again

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<few minutes later>
[outside Christine's house]
(Third person P. O. V)
Soon as Dec found a place to park his car, he headed towards Christine's house. Once he got to the front door, he gently knock three times and waited patiently on the doorstep. When the door opened and Christine saw Dec, she kindly smiled but before she could say anything. Dec was almost knocked off his feet by Hurley who was jumping on him wanting a fuss.
"Hi Christine. I would love to give you a hug but it seems I'm bit occupied at the moment." Dec kindly greeted whilst fussing Hurley.
"Sorry Dec. Hurley already knew it was you because he saw you through the window." Christine laughed.
After giving Hurley a fuss, Dec then gave Christine a hug and a kiss and went in the house.
[In the kitchen]
While Christine was making tea for her and Dec. Dec was sat at the table and was given Hurley a fuss on his head.
"So how've you been Dec?" Christine kindly asked.
"I'm ok, I guess. Happy to see Hurley and you but still miss Ant." Dec admittedly replied.
After making the teas, Christine then headed over to join Dec at the table and gave him his tea. Christine then said.
"I'm the same as well Dec so you're not on your own. I haven't felt like this since the day I gave birth to him."
"Was it because he was born before his due date?" Dec politely asked.
"Yeah it was. I always remember it. I've just gone into labour and I was in a state like any mother would be because I was so scared that I was going to lose him since he was going to be born prematurely but after I've given birth to him and heard him cry. All my worries were gone when I saw him for the first time." Christine began saying.
"Did you get to hold him after he was born?", asked Dec.
"Not at first because he had to go in a incubator so he could have help with his breathing but when I did get the chance, I was so happy when I saw his little face. It was in that moment I knew that he was going to go far and so did his Dad and my mother." Christine then said.
Dec smiled at what Christine just told about Ant's birth and understood on how worried she was when she was given birth to him. As he took a sip of his tea, Dec then sadly admitted.
"I haven't felt this worried about him than when he went back into rehab and took that time off back 2018."
Christine then placed her hand on top of Dec's and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I know what you mean Dec. That was a horrible year for both of you and especially for Anthony. Which reminds me." Christine gently said as she got up.
Christine left for a few moments but came back with a letter which she handed to Dec once she sat back down at the table. Dec looked at the letter and saw his name on the envelope in Ant's handwriting.
"Anthony wrote it during when he took his break from the telly. He was missing you so much and felt bad for letting you down. One of the therapists he had suggested that he should write a letter to you, telling you all about his thoughts and feelings but after he wrote it, he couldn't go through to giving it to you because he thought it would upset you even more than you already were so he kept it here. I've never opened it ever since Anthony left it here and that's the honest truth Dec." Christine honestly explained.
Dec looked at the letter and curious as he was, he opened it and began to read what Ant wrote.
"Dear Decky,
This is a letter to say how sorry I am for letting you down. I can't imagine on how sorry I am for my relapse and how much I've let you down. You mean the whole world to me and I can't imagine my life without you. The reason I didn't tell you about my alcohol addiction was because I was ashamed and I didn't want to burden you with all my troubles especially now you and Ali are expecting a baby.
I promise you now, I will get better and be back by your side as soon as I can. You are the best mate that I ever had and I'm glad that I attended that day for my audition of PJ because if I hadn't, I've never would've meet you and share all these happy years of my life with you.
Hope to see you and be back by your side again soon.
All my love,
After he was done reading the letter, Dec had floods of tears coming from his eyes but managed not to cry.
"I can't believe he wrote this." Dec sadly whispered whilst wiping away his tears.
"I told him to give it to you but as stubborn as he is, he refused since he didn't want to upset you and now I can see why he didn't you to have it." Christine sadly said.
After Dec dried his tears and steady himself. He began to smile a bit when Ant mentioned about how glad he was when he took on the role of PJ when they did Byker Grove. He then turned to Christine and proudly said.
"If it wasn't for you on encouraging him to go to that audition, I would've never met him."
"I was doing what any other mother would've done for her child Dec. Till this day, I'm glad I did encourage him because I still remember seen how happy he was when he came home that day." Christine happily replied back to Dec.
The two of them laughed and it was then Christine suggested on making lunch for the both of them, Dec agreed since he was hungry and didn't have the energy to argue.
[After lunch]
After the two of them had lunch, Dec decided to help Christine with the dishes. Whilst they were doing the dishes, they were talking about old times.
"I remember when Anthony was first telling me about you. He just came back from work, I asked him how his day went and he was telling me how it was but mostly he was talking about you." Christine said to Dec with a smile.
"Oh he was he?" Dec chuckled.
"Yeah, he was. I definitely saw that I was going to have to get used to it and when it came that football match and getting him the tickets, I knew that you was going to be the one who he was going to invite." Christine then said.
Dec smiled listening to Christine talking about when Ant invited him to that football match. After he was done helping Christine with the dishes, he happily said.
"Thanks Christine, I'm glad I came to see you. It's definitely helped me a lot during this past month."
"You're welcome Dec and thank you as well. I'm glad I got to see someone else other then Sarha and Emma constantly coming in and checking on me." Christine happily replied.
"Anne Marie not here then? I thought she was staying with you?" Dec curiosity asked.
"No she's not, she had to go back home to see the girls and sort work out. I said I'll let her know if there's any change with Anthony's condition." Christine kindly answered.
"Oh right, I understand that. I was planning on seeing Ant this evening but if you, Sarha or Emma were planning to see him yourselves." Dec began saying.
"Oh don't worry Dec, we weren't planning doing it since it was your turn. You go and see my Anthony, don't worry about me or Sarha and Emma. Ok?" Christine sternly said.
"Ok." Dec replied.
The two of them then headed to the living room and had a good catch up.

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