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"Amira, Crimson, you girls be good this year!" Mum scolds playfully as Crimson and I stand side-by-side facing my parents. Crimson and I are known pranksters. Last year we set off a whole pack of dung-bombs right outside the Slytherin common room, Scorpius and Marlene were pissed.

"Yes, Amira, be a good little Gryffindor girl," Dad mocks playfully.

Mum turns to scold him, "Draco please!" Dad rolls his eyes and sends me a wink.

I'm the only Gryffindor in my family and although I know Dad loves me, I don't think he can quite get over the fact that I'm not in his house.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll make sure I make my house proud," I laugh. Crimson turns to me and I throw her a wink and she high-fives me behind my back.

"Ok, ok, let's go already!" my younger brother, Scorpious, nags. I can only assume he's eager to see Albus even though he's seen him many times this summer. Mum turns and hugs all four of us in turn then hugs Crimson who has already said goodbye to her parent's, George and Charlotte.

Mum turns to Scorpious, "be good this year, keep up the good grades, you have O.W.L.'s in two years!"

Scorpious rolls his eyes, "two years, mum they are closer for Amira then they are for me, hers are this year."

Mum turns to me and I shake my head, "Scorp why'd you have to remind her!"

"Don't worry, Nila, they'll be fine," Dad snorts, "Cissy here, on the other hand, now she's got her sorting ahead of her!"

Narcissa blushes, "is it scary?"

Crimson perks up, "terrifying." I laugh and Dad and Mum both shoot us a glare.

"Don't worry Cissy," Marlene who had her sorting last year speaks up, "it's fine, the hat just said 'Slytherin!' and I went and sat down next to Scorp." Marlene sends Scorpiuos one of her award-winning smiles and he sighs.

"Alright, alright, go on now, you don't want to miss the train!" Dad hugs us all and they usher us off towards the train. I look back to see Mum and Dad standing contently, Dad's hand snaked around Mum's waist.


"Oi! No fair, Amira, that's cheating!" Crimson scolds as I place my cards down.

"No it's not, you know I play by the rules," I smirk. Crimson rolls her eyes and the boys groan.

Crimson and I sit in our normal compartment with the regulars, James Sirius Potter and Crimson's two brothers, Jack and Reese. Reese, Crimson, James, and I are best friends and have been ever since first year. We of course knew each other before then, our families are close, but we really became tight our first year. Reese and Crimson are twins which makes them naturally close, but the rest of us became close through a mixture of pranks, homework, quidditch, and later a variety of parties. Jack's a year older but we are still close, he taught us all the secret passageways and between that and James' map, which Crimson is still trying to steal, our pranks were ready to go.

"Oh I can tell you, Mira never plays by the rules," Reese chuckles flirtatiously. I roll my eyes and sit back next to Jack who chuckles quietly.

Suddenly the door flies open and a beautifully tall girl steps into the compartment, "hi Jackie!"

"Hi Ariana!" Jack smiles excitedly and pats the spot in between him and myself. I move over grudgingly and Crimson and I exchange an annoyed glance.

Ariana Davies, grade-a prat, a prefect, top-grades, and a Hufflepuff no less, we hate her. At least, James, Reese, Crimson, and I do. Crimson and I have a long-going joke that Jack would throw himself off the Astronomy Tower if she told him to.

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