ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

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"Shut up, James," I hiss.

"You kissed me and you like Jack?" James hisses in response.

"It was a dare, James!" I respond in frustration.

"I- Amira, you like Jack!" James repeats, Reese scoffs and looks down to his food.

"That's what Crimson plainly stated," I growl.

Crimson shrugs, "I thought he knew!"

James ignores her, "you kissed me and you like Jack!"

Crimson turns to him, "oh my god James, it was a freaking dare!"

James huffs and Reese speaks up, "James, it was a dare, and she isn't dating Jack, she likes him."

"Can you say that any louder?" I growl.

"Amira likes Jack," Crimson mock-yells, "but she kissed Jamsie," If it was anyone else they probably would be in the hospital wing by now but I join in Crimson's silent laughter.

"Excuse me!" Professor Mcgonagall announces. "If the chatter could please cease while I make an important announcement?" I quiet my laughter and Crimson sits straightener, "I was informed before dinner that another student was injured, Mr Joe Cricket of Hufflepuff was found in the forbidden forest, he has sustained serious head injuries and unfortunately does not remember anything about the incident."

"Another hurt student?" Crimson whispers in concern.

"Have they still not found out what's doing it?" I respond. 

"We are enforcing a new curfew, all students should be in their common room directly after dinner, no dawdling." Professor Mcgonagall announces, frustrated chatter peeks up again and she pauses for a moment before continuing, "the forbidden forest is already off limits but I would like to remind you all of that rule. All of the injured students have been found in the forest so please, stay clear."

"Well shoot," Crimson whispers once again.

"Do you think that- that maybe the incidents have something to do with the shadows we saw in the forbidden forest?" I respond in concern.

"I'm not sure..." Crimson trails off, "should we tell someone?"


"Any student found breaking any of these rules will serve two weeks detention and a letter will be sent to that students family," Professor Mcgonagall continues, "we need to prevent another, possibly fatal, attack."


Professor Flitwick is going over silencing charms when Amira and I get nudged on the shoulders. We turn around and see two boys smirking at us, folded pieces of paper in their hands.

"What do you two want?" I spit and Amira glares at them.

"Calm down pretty ladies," the blond one tries to say smoothly.

"We just wanted to hand you these because we noticed how.... appeasing you two were," the dark haired boy winks, and Amira and I cringe.

"Just hand them over," Amira snarls, and I yank the note out of the brown haired boy's hands. I turn to make sure Flitwick is helping another student before setting the note on fire and shooting it out the classroom door and into the corridor. Amira shrinks hers to the size of a pea and feeds it to her sample mouse. The boys begin to sputter angrily, and I wish I could cast my silencing charm on them instead of the squeaking rat scurrying across my desk.

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