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you let them fight on the roof as you made your way down without saying a word to them. they noticed and pushed eachother out of the way to run towards you.

bakugo: out of my way icy hot! she's MY girlfriend!
todoroki: well she's MY best friend

bakugo ended up pushing todoroki out of the way and ran as fast as he could until he caught up to you

bakugo: you good?
y/n: hm? yeah why?
bakugo: well I mean you kind of just left
y/n: ...well I wasn't going to deal with you two anymore, plus i'll get detention if i'm late again!

you forcefully lied

y/n: speaking of you two, why is there only one of you here
bakugo: I don't know-
todoroki: because he threw me down to the ground and ran for you

you guys walked into class and went to your seats. you didn't talk for most of the time until class was over and you were walking to the dorms with todoroki and bakugo

y/n: we should probably start packing for tomorrow
todoroki: what's tomorrow?
y/n: we're going to the beach?
todoroki: oh right, yes we should start packing
bakugo: i'll pack tomorrow morning
y/n: you lazy hoe
bakugo: WHA-
y/n: come on then you can help me pack
bakugo: oh.. well okay

he grabbed your hand dragging you to your dorm

y/n: come over when you're done packing k?
todoroki: alright, I will
bakugo: come on, y/n!
y/n: i'm going!

he managed to pull you into your dorm and he sat on your bed

bakugo: alright, bring them out
y/n: what do you mean
bakugo: y-you know the bathing suits
y/n: oh well, I already have one in mind-
bakugo: try on all of them! c-cause you know... uhh.. i'll have more choices! yeah!
y/n: right, cause that's totally the reason
bakugo: shut up!
y/n: well to be completely honest with you, I only have one, that i've never actually worn because... um..
bakugo: because?
y/n: ...ah it's nothing

you forcefully laughed but bakugo saw through your fake laugh

bakugo: because why, y/n

he stood up and walked towards you

y/n: well.. um b-because i'm.. I just- ugh!

you said, looking down

y/n: I don't.. have the best body, okay? is that what you wanted to hear? that I don't have a perfect figure

(for my curvy queens)
y/n: i'm not the slimmest person, I don't and insanely tiny waist and I-

(for my skinny queens)
y/n: i'm not the fittest person, i'm not full is CERTAIN areas and I-

bakugo slammed his hands against the wall trapping you in between

bakugo: hey! I don't care about that, I couldn't care less about all of that! I like you for you, I don't have a preference okay! you are perfect in my eyes, in every way possible.. you don't have to worry about all of that.. at least not with me.. okay?

you looked at him for a while and his eyes softened, you hugged him and he held you tightly.

bakugo: i'm not going to force you to try anything on if you don't want to though, you can go in one of my t-shirts and shorts for all I care, as long as i'm with you, alright?

he kissed your forehead and you nodded

y/n: sit your ass down, give me a second

he smiled, chuckled, and went to go sit back down. your closet doors were pretty big so you changed behind them. you looked at yourself in the mirror before showing bakugo and you fidgeted with your fingers. you popped your head out and bakugo looked up, you closed your eyes and nodded. you stepped away from the closet doors and stood in front of bakugo with your eyes still closed. bakugo froze and his eyes widened, he covered his mouth and his face went red. you felt him grab your hand and pull you closer to him, he put his hands on your waist and you looked down at him, as he was looking up at you

bakugo: you look gorgeous, baby

your face went red and he kissed your stomach. you flinched and he stood up to give you a kiss. he slowly laid you down, not separating lips. he kissed your neck. he took his shirt off and continued to kiss you

y/n: d-do you have protection..
bakugo: not on me..

you opened your drawer and pulled one out, the only reason you had one was because you and jirou would always joke around and leave condoms in each other's dorms for no reason. you handed it to him and he was going to open it but he stopped and looked at you

bakugo: wait, are you sure?
y/n: yeah..
bakugo: y/n, are you 100 percent sure
y/n: um...no... not really..

he put it back in your drawer and he picked his shirt up to put it back on. you sat up and sighed

y/n: I-i'm sorry...
bakugo: don't apologize, baby. wanna go get some snacks and watch a movie? you can choose the movie
y/n: ...s-sure

you got up and got dressed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt, you still felt bad though and he noticed.

bakugo: babe, seriously don't worry about it
y/n: I just feel bad..
bakugo: don't feel bad, I want our first time to be special and I want you to be 100 percent sure you want to do it when it's time, okay? finish packing and i'll go get some snacks for us

you smiled and he kissed your forehead and walked out to go get something from the store near by the school. todoroki walked in a few minutes after and laid down on your bed

y/n: sooo i'm going to wear the bathing suit your sister gave me last year
todoroki: really? are you sure?
y/n: yeah, it's about time I get out of my shell and stop giving a fuck about how I look
todoroki: well, im proud of you. and i'm sure you'll look great

you smiled and closed the backpack you were taking

y/n: scoot over fatty, we're having a movie night with bakugo tonight
todoroki: let's put in a scary movie
y/n: oh but, bakugo doesn't like scary movies
todoroki: I know
y/n: so then why-

you looked over at todoroki who was smiling at his phone and you realized

y/n: you devilish child

he looked up at you and laughed

y/n: this is why I love you
todoroki: also im in the middle
y/n: no sir I am
todoroki: no
y/n: you always get the middle!
todoroki: because I don't want to risk you guys doing stuff while i'm here
y/n: wha- shoto!
todoroki: what, im being realistic here
y/n: i'm going in the middle, end of conversation
todoroki: fine but if you guys disrespect my presence i'm burning this dorm down

you pushed him off of the bed and laughed, he got up from the bed and tackled you off of it

y/n: oh so you wanna go?! LETS GO THEN
todoroki: wait no, you started it-

you pulled his hair and pulled him off of the bed

Unforgettable- bakugo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now