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you were in a car and it started shaking, very very aggressively.

???: y/n..y/n..! y/n!

you woke up to todoroki shaking you, you got scared and fell off the bed, again.

y/n: ow... can you not!
todoroki: hurry up and get changed you slept through your alarm, i've been knocking for hours
y/n: when did you get so dramatic

you said while standing up from the floor. you quickly put your uniform on brushed your hair and went to go brush your teeth. you ran out of the bathroom and caught up to todoroki

y/n: so today we're gonna study after school and-
todoroki: oh... I forgot about that uh..
y/n: ..did something come up..?
todoroki: momo wanted me to help her study..
y/n: oh... yeah! that's fine.. we have tomorrow
todoroki: are you sure? I can cancel on her-
y/n: no no it's okay, really
todoroki: you're the best

he patted your head and you weakly laughed. you got to class and you both sat down, then momo came over

momo: goodmorning! oh... y/n I didn't expect to see you here.. since you slept through your alarm
y/n: yeah well that's why I have this butthead to be my backup alarm

she giggled and proceeded to talk to todoroki, then it hit you. how did she know you slept through your alarm?

y/n: wait.. how did you know I slept through my alarm..?

she looked at you for a second

momo: well.. you know.. I didn't see you in the bathroom with the rest of us so initially I thought you slept through your alarm
y/n: oh..

you awkwardly laughed and she smiled. you looked forwards trying your hardest to not make any assumptions but they crept into your mind. 'could she have...nah..well- no! stop..' you shook your head and played with your pencil while todoroki and momo talked.

class began and obviously you were making fun of todoroki, the usual.

aizawa: alright today for class we're going to be coming up with ideas for the school festival. you are to get into partners and come up with an idea for the festival and by the end of the week you will present them and we will choose from one of them. I will allow you to chose your partners, just get the work done- oh and nothing inappropriate, mineta.

mineta: aw man!

everyone started getting into pairs and I turned to todoroki

y/n: alright what if we do an arm wrestling booth and the loser has to wear a maid outfit for the rest of the day-
momo: todoroki! wanna be my partner?
todoroki: oh uh..

todoroki looked over at you and then looked back at momo

todoroki: y/n and I kinda always pair up..
momo: oh.. im sure she won't mind switching it up this once! right y/n?
y/n: uh.. yeah it's cool.. i'll go find another partner
todoroki: okay then-
momo: great come on!

you weakly smiled and she grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

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