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y/n: your ass better not stink
todoroki: y/n!
y/n: what!
todoroki: I bathe daily
y/n: doesn't mean you wipe well
jirou: HAHAHA

todoroki moved his leg and your face was now in the center of his behind

denki: my hand is cramping!
kirishima: denki don't you dare!
denki: im sorry!

denki fell which caused him to fall on top of all of you guys and the game had ended

jirou: denki get your fatass up! you're squishing all of us!
denki: my bad!

he quickly got off and you all gasped for air after getting winded

y/n: yeah thats enough fun for me tonight

you said slapping todorokis ass

y/n: get off me

todoroki got up and you all put the mat and spinning board away

y/n: goodnight guys
jirou: goodnight!
kirishima: night!
denki: goodnight- oh game night is at mine next tuesday
todoroki: I will beat you in mario kart next time in your own dorm
denki: riiiight

he said sarcastically as you two left her dorm. you two walked back to your dorm and turned on your tv to watch your guys' favorite tv show with a bowl of popcorn sharing a blanket

todoroki: she's so stupid, I hate her
y/n: me too! being a home wrecker is NOT cute sis
todoroki: his wife is much more good looking than her anyways
y/n: period

you ended up laying your head on his shoulder and he rested his head on yours

y/n: do you remember the first day we met
todoroki: like officially met or stared at eachother from across the room met
y/n: officially met
todoroki: yeah, why?
y/n: it was just so funny
todoroki: how so
y/n: I remember holding my moms hand as we were walking up to your doorstep

y/n: mommy! can I talk to the boy my age this time!
mom: well of course you can sweetheart, he's a tough one to get a conversation out of though
y/n: it's okay! by the time we leave im sure we'll be friends!

my mom laughed and patted my head as your mom opened the door

mom: rei!
rei: oh m/n! it's so nice to see you! and y/n! you've gotten pretty big now haven't you!
y/n: yeah haha!

we came in your house and your mom led us to your living room

mom: where's enji?
rei: he's... upstairs with shoto..
mom: ...

my mom new what your dad would do, she would always try to get him to stop but he just wouldn't listen.

y/n: can I play with todoroki!

I said, clueless of what was happening

mom: y/n..
rei: o-oh! of course! let me go get him!
mom: rei you don't have to
rei: oh it's fine! im glad she wants to meet him!

she walked upstairs and we heard some bickering but I thought nothing of it. though seeing my mother's face, it gave me a sense of what was happening. all three of you ended up coming downstairs and your eyes were red and puffy. your father sat down with mine and your mother as we stood out in your yard.

y/n: hi! my name is y/n!
todoroki: ...

you wouldn't say anything, your eyes full of pain. but all I knew was that I wanted to make you happy and be your friend

y/n: um.. do you want to play hop scotch? I brought some chalk!

you nodded your head without looking at me and I laughed sitting down on the ground handing you a piece of chalk. I did all the talking that day, I said something along the lines of

y/n: your hair is so cool! I like it a lot! it looks so soft too! can I touch it?

you froze and hesitated, then nodded your head. I slowly reached my hand over, you flinched so I stopped but you leaned forward allowing me to feel it, and then it was in that moment I saw your tense face soften.

mom: y/n honey! we have to get going! come say goodbye!

I ended up giving you my chalk for you to keep and we went back inside to say goodbye, and that's when it happened

todoroki: sh-shoto..

you said softly

y/n: hm?
todoroki: m-my name.. its shoto..

my eyes widened as it was the first time you had spoken to me, and I smiled

y/n: it was nice meeting you shoto! I hope we can be friends!

you shot a look up at me with wide eyes

todoroki: f-friends?
y/n: yeah!

our parents finished saying goodbye and I left

*back to present*

y/n: ..
y/n: you were this.. awkward boy standing in front of me, not even being able to look at me in the eye let alone talk to me. I on the other hand was the exact opposite of you
todoroki: what are you getting at
y/n: I don't know, it's just looking back at how we were when we first met to now in this moment. everything is completely different now
todoroki: is that a good thing?
y/n: of course it is dummy, I just don't understand how we became best friends since we were just so different
todoroki: well, opposites attract
y/n: i'm just really glad to have you, you're such an important part of my life and I just never wanna lose that. so don't leave me, mk?

todoroki looked at you and you looked at him.

todoroki: it's almost time isnt it.. that's why you're like this..
y/n: ...

todoroki hugged you tightly and you let a few tears slip out, he gave you a kiss on your forehead

todoroki: don't worry y/n, i'm not going anywhere..

you wiped your tears and laid on his lap watching the tv, he ran his fingers through your hair and you didn't notice, a tear slipping out of his eye and his mouth quiver.

I did NOT intend for this chapter to be this long but, I enjoyed it quite a lot. also i'm too lazy to proof read it so, my apologies if there are some spelling or grammar mistake

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